Mercenaries Wagner and army accused of “ethnic cleansing” in Mali

About twenty citizens was killed in the north of Mali on Monday when their vehicles were taken under fire, the French news agency AFP heard from local sources that accuse the mercenaries of Wagner and Malian soldiers of the attack.

A family member of the driver of one of the two trucks confirmed the deadly incident, including some migrants who traveled to Algeria died. The Malian army had not yet officially responded on Monday evening. A local representative from the GAO region is talking about a serious attack, “in which at least twenty people were killed”.

In a statement published on Monday evening, an independence coalition from the North denounced the continuation of an “ethnic cleansing carried out by the Junta of Bamako against the population of Azawad”. According to the organization, at least 24 people were killed, including women and children.

By Editor

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