Why avoid sudden glucose increases works to lose weight

From time to time, some mechanism of human body which ends up seeing as the solution to make some specific change.

That was the case with recent videos that teach people who want to lose weight how to avoid glucose peaks, which have already been seen millions of times on social networks.

Hyperglycemia – glucosepicos (sugar) in the blood – occurs when we consume carbohydrate foods (sweet meals, pasta, and even healthy options, such as a bananas) in isolation (without accompanying them from other nutrients, such as proteins and fiber), already That once ingested, carbohydrate becomes glucose (a type of sugar) inside the body.

“When the sugar level is high, the body seeks to reduce insulin, a hormone responsible for” sweeping “sugar and transporting it to the cells, so that this excess does not remain in the blood,” explains Livia Hasegawa, a nutritionist and specialist in physiology of the exercise of Brazil.

But when the amount of sugar is too high to be handled by insulin, the body tends to store it in something that is not very pleasant: fat.

That is why these peaks are described by the experts consulted by the BBC as one of the main body mechanisms to gain unwanted weightand something that can also generate long -term health problems.

The good news is that it is possible to control them with simple changes in diet and lifestyle.

What happens to the body when glucose rises?

What is the danger of this rapid increase in blood sugar level?

For people with diabetes – which do not produce insulin – glucose peaks are a serious problem.

These can cause immediate symptoms such as extreme tiredness, intense thirst and cloud vision. In the most severe cases, when the body cannot use glucose to generate energy, it begins to burn fat and produce the so -called “ketone bodies.”

When these substances accumulate in large quantities, the blood becomes acidic, which can affect the functioning of the organs and even cause severe complications, such as renal or cardiac damage.

“In these cases, when the patient consumes a food with a very high glycemic index, it is necessary from Harvard University, USA

Although the body has natural ways to handle blood sugar peaks in healthy people, that does not mean they are free from the negative consequences.

“Glucose, when high for long periods, can have a toxic effect on blood vessels. So even those who are not diabetic can develop other problems if their diets are low in fiber and protein, which can help reduce these peaks Glucemic. One of the problems is high blood pressure, “he says.

Glucose peaks also have a direct impact on fat accumulation.

“The insulin that the body produces to ‘clear’ sugar is also an anabolic hormone, that is, it tells the body that it stores energy. This storage mechanism transforms excess glucose into body fat, which most commonly accumulates in the Abdominal region. The body understands that it needs to store energy for future use, “says Hasegawa.

The nutritionist points out that this is only one of the factors that contribute to the increase in body fat. The other is to consume more calories than the body needs.

“Excess calories, no matter what its origin – whether carbohydrates, fats or proteins – can also generate fat accumulation. However, carbohydrates, especially what are refined and processed, are the ones that are most consumed because They are easily available in foods such as bread, cookies and snacks such as french fries, “says the nutritionist, concluding that both causes of weight gain generally go hand in hand.

In addition, the rapid absorption of these carbohydrates can also cause a “rebound of hyperglycemia.”

“After ingestion, blood glucose levels rise rapidly, the body releases insulin to balance the levels, and glucose levels fall rapidly, causing tiredness and more hunger.”

High glucose levels can have a direct impact on weight gain.

How to avoid sugar peaks

Combining carbohydrates with healthy fiber, protein or fats is the most common strategy to avoid sudden blood sugar peaks.

Consuming fiber and protein before carbohydrates helps to slow down the absorption of glucose. For example, when you eat pasta, it is a good idea to start with a salad, followed by a protein, such as meat (if it is a boloñesa sauce), or pieces of chicken or tuna. This strategy, called glycemic load, slows digestion, reducing the impact of carbohydrates on glucose levels, ”says Hasegawa.

As for fiber options, Meléndez mentions bran as oatmeal, Psychlium shell (zaragatone) and linaza, and natural foods such as vegetables and fruits.

And of these there is a specific amount that is recommended daily for adults: at least 14 grams, a goal that nutritionists consider “challenging”, given the limited presence of fiber in food.

To have an idea, a booted broccoli cup contains about five to six grams of fiber, and two tablespoons of oats contain two or three.

A practical advice is to select carbohydrates with fiber. For example, instead of drinking orange juice, eat the fruit with its pulp. Instead of bread (white), opt for the integral. In this way, we can include fiber without demonizing carbohydrates, ”says Meléndez.

“Many people care about avoiding certain foods, such as beets, because they think it has many carbohydrates. However, we rarely consume foods alone. Beet, for example, usually eats with other foods, such as meat, beans and salad, which swings food. The same goes for bananas: if we add oatmeal and yogurt we balance it. ”

Meléndez also explains that, in addition to causing a rapid increase in glucose, food with a high glycemic index, such as white rice and potatoes, also make you feel hungry soon after. That happens because these foods are basically carbohydrates with little fiber.

“To avoid this, the idea is the same: complement (carbohydrates) with ingredients such as bran (fiber), egg, cheese or crumbled chicken (protein), which reduce the glycemic load of food and extend the sensation of fullnesscontributing to weight loss. ”

Practicing a physical exercise also helps control blood sugar.

“The muscles have the ability to capture glucose directly from the blood, even without the action of insulin, which is especially important for people with insulin resistance or diabetes,” adds Hasegawa.

The danger of obsessive control

While understanding how what we eat affects our bodies can help make positive changes, nutritionists warn that caution should be exercised when it comes to controlling each small process in the body.

“People do not need to be obsessive with their diet; That can do things very difficult. For individuals who are not insulin resistant, or glucose intolerant or have diabetes, it is enough to exercise and include fiber and protein sources in each meal. There is no need to become neurotic avoiding food with a high glycemic index, ”says Meléndez.

Meals that combine carbohydrates with proteins, fats and fiber do not generate glucose peaks.

When rapid absorption carbohydrates are beneficial

The consumption of food with a high glycemic index makes sense after intense and long exercise, such as jogging or riding a bike for more than an hour.

This is because, after training, we need to replenish glycogen supplies, which are our easily accessible glucose reserves.

“During this period, the muscles are more receptive to the absorption of glucose, and It is recommended to consume rapid absorption carbohydrates, such as bread, to help the recovery of the muscles. This is especially useful for those who make two training sessions per day or seek to gain muscle. Even those who are in the process of losing weight can take advantage of this moment to include the carbohydrates they like, preventing them from accumulating as fat, but it is also important to measure the amount, ”says Hasegawa.

Good options for immediate snack after exercise include dehydrated fruits, such as apricot and raisin grapes, potatoes, or corn cereal (sugarless). Even small amounts of food high in sugar could help restore glycogen deposits, but should be consumed in moderation to avoid excess calories.

In the hours after training, protein consumption – whether through food or supplements – it is also crucial to promote muscle synthesis, accelerating the recovery and growth of the muscles.

Fiber consumption, such as whole grains, vegetables and leafy vegetables, precisely because they stop the rapid absorption of carbohydrates, should happen at least two hours later ingesting glucose and fructose.

By Editor

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