The situation caused Deputy Governor Mississippi to collapse in the middle of the meeting

Deputy Governor Delbert Hosemann, 77, suddenly fainted at the Mississippi Senate meeting, due to dehydration.

“Thank everyone for praying and sending good wishes. I am dehydrated, now it is okay. Learning to draw enough to drink enough water, “said Hosemann, said on February 19, after the incident occurred.

The condition occurs when the amount of water in the body is suddenly lost, more than the amount of water intake, making the functions unable to function normally. Dehydration is especially dangerous for children and the elderly.

Reason The most common causing dehydration in young children is diarrhea and serious vomiting. Older people often have lower amounts of water in the body, sometimes with background diseases that increase the risk of dehydration. Even mild conditions such as pulmonary or bladder infections can lead to dehydration in the elderly. In hot weather, in strong movement conditions, dehydration can occur with anyone.

People with mild and medium dehydration can be overcome by adding water, but serious dehydration should be treated immediately.

Manifestations of dehydration are often diverse. Older people may be silently dehydrated without feeling thirsty. This increases the risk of fainting. Therefore, increasing the amount of water into the body in hot weather or when sick is very important.


Deputy Governor Mississippi Delbert Hosemann. Image: AP

Signs and symptoms Dehydration may also vary depending on age.

Babies and young children often dry mouth and tongue, no tears when crying, not wet for three hours, eyes and deeply sunken cheeks, sunken, lethargic or irritable. Adults show intense thirst, less urination, dark urine, fatigue, dizziness, confusion.

If the patient has diarrhea for 24 hours or more, the mood is irritable or disoriented, sleeps more, is less active than usual, does not drink water, black or bloody, experts recommend going to the medical examination at the disease. Institute.

Sometimes dehydration occurs for simple reasons. Patients do not drink enough water because they are busy or sick, or do not have clean water to drink when traveling, climbing or camping.

Other causes of dehydration include diarrhea, vomiting; fever; Excessive sweating; urinate a lot.

Serious acute diarrhea can cause dehydration and electrolytes quickly. Vomiting with diarrhea increases more fluid and minerals. In general, the higher the fever, the greater the risk of dehydration. The problem is worse if there is a fever with diarrhea and vomiting.

People with diabetes are especially at risk of serious dehydration. Some drugs, such as diuretics, blood pressure can also lead to dehydration due to increased urine.

People at high risk of dehydration are babies and young children; older people; people with chronic diseases; People often work or exercise outdoors.

As people get older, the amount of water reserves in the body decreases, the ability to keep the water poorly and the feeling of thirst also decreases. These issues are worse due to chronic diseases such as diabetes and dementia. Older people may also have problems with movement, limiting their ability to take drinking water.

Uncontrolled or untreated diabetes, causing patients to be at high risk of dehydration. Kidney disease or the use of medications for kidney disease also increases this risk.

Dehydration can lead to the complication Serious, including: Heat damage; urinary and kidney problems; convulsion; Shock decreased blood volume. Heat damage is manifested by a variety of diseases, from mild cramps, exhausted by heat to life threatening. Line or repeated dehydration may cause urinary tract infections, kidney stones, even kidney failure.

Typically, electrolytes like potassium and sodium help transmit electrical signals from cells to cells. If electrolyte imbalance, this process is disturbed, resulting in uncertainty, sometimes consciousness.

Shocking shock of blood volume is one of the most serious complications, sometimes threatening the life of dehydration. It occurs when low blood flow causes hypotension and reduces the amount of oxygen in the body.

To prevent dehydrationexperts recommend drinking plenty of water and eating foods rich in liquid like fruits and vegetables. For healthy people, drink water when you feel thirsty, because this is the most obvious sign.

People need to add more water if they encounter conditions such as vomiting, diarrhea; hard exercise; hot or cold weather; Fever.

Older people often lose water even when suffering from mild diseases such as flu, bronchitis or bladder infection. If the age is high, experts recommend drinking plenty of water when you feel unwell.

By Editor

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