Sorda, the only Spanish film in Berlinale, Public Award in the Panorama section

A public prize is not just any prize. And less in the Berlinale, the only class A festival next to Venice and Cannes that is literally taken by precisely the public. In the Italian contest, tickets available for non -professional sectors are obtained on droppers and basically in a single enclosure, the huge warden room. In the French, however, there is no one other than press or industry who has access to a miserable entrance. There are options in the gala sessions, but you have to dress for the occasion and pray for luck. Berlin, such as Toronto or San Sebastián, is different. In the German capital, the festival’s programming floods the cinemas of the city and the Berliners fill the rooms with a devotion to proof of the eight degrees less zero that this year have turned the sidewalks into skating tracks.

That is, the long introduction is worth it so that one thing is clear: the prize of the public that Sordaof Eva Libertad, He has achieved in the Berlin Panorama section. The system is almost always. The audience scores what he has seen and the Spanish film, the only one throughout the Berlinale this year, has been chosen against snow, ice and cold, very cold. His next appointment will be the Malaga Festival, where he will be in the competition.

SordaIn effect, it is a film that invites the public to an empathic or friendly experience, as you want, that calls the recognition of some in the lives of others; That he wants and seeks that the public be recognized, precisely as such, as a public in the public. The idea is nothing more than inviting the viewer to be seen and identified in the existence of the other, from the diverse, from which it differs because of a disability. By the hand of what is called to be The Spanish actress of the year, Miriam Garlo, The director composes a transparent, emotional and frontal film with the camera always at eye level.

Angela (Garlo) is going to be a mother. It is not a listener. Hector (no less superb in his involvement, a overwhelming Álvaro Cervantes overwhelming in his management of calm and times) is his partner. And he is a listener. What follows is the story of a conflict within a conflicting society. What future awaits a deaf daughter? And which to a listening daughter with a deaf mother? And to the couple? What will be of it without a model to copy, with everything to invent? Let’s say the film embraces all problems and does so, and this is the important thing, from within, From the clarity of a story shown and displays without false melodramas, without gestures learned, without unnecessary didactisms.

Sorda attends to a common program that discusses the very meaning of life in common, of public life in the proper management of public services. That is, a very coherent public prize. In addition to fair.

By Editor

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