Sturm wins against BW Linz, in Altach there were more red cards than goals

After the spectacular Saturday evening, the Bundesliga Sunday tension. It started at 2.30 p.m.

Sturm wanted to go against after the 0: 3 at the WAC in Graz BW Linz Rehabilitation – and that was successful against blue -white.

In Altach Wanted the bottom of the first win with coach Ingolitsch after the redeeming first victory – Hardberg was a guest in Vorarlberg. The result is mixed.

Before the classic LASK – Rapid continues at 5 p.m., Blau -Weiß wanted to Course on the master group strengthen.

But Sturm won deservedly. The 1-0 in minute 18 Sown Kiteishvili From a foul elf.
The 2-0 in minute 43 concerned Yalcouye According to unplanned Jatta template.

Less happened in the second half. On the 2: 1 by Pasic (83.) followed some excitement, but the Grazers were rightly cheering in front of around 13,000 fans.

In Altach, goalkeeper Stejanovic had to give where – Helac was his replacement.

It went back and forth until just before the break Referee Altmann surprisingly yellow-red For Hartbergs Composch showed after a verbal private duel.

Hartberg coach Schmid then changed three times. Altach was able to play the majority.

Only in added time did the Home side top chancesbut it stayed with 0: 0 in the fighting game.

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