7 planets in line in the sky in February

On the evening of February 28, all the remaining 7 planets in the Solar System will appear in the night sky at the same time, with Saturn, Sao Thuy, Neptune, Sao Kim, Venus, Sao Thien Vuong, Jupiter, Mars straight. row.

The event of some planets on the same side of the solar system at the same time is not inferior. A collection of 5 – 6 planets that have been in line has been recorded, of which 5 planets are much more common than 6. But the phenomenon of all 7 planets and in line is the most rare, according to, according to Science Alert.

Whenever planets can be seen in the night sky, they seem to always lie along the same line, called the zodiac. This happens by the planets around the sun on the same plane. Dr. Gerard van Belle, director of science at Lowell Observatory at Arizona, the configuration wallet with vinyl disc. The sun is located in the center and the groove is the orbit of the planets around it.

Our observation point on Earth is one of those grooves. This week, all the rest of the planet in the system lies in the position that makes them appear in the sky at sunset from almost anywhere on Earth. Around the end of the month, Saturn will be lower than the horizon, joining the line. Astronomical lover will have the opportunity to observe the same phenomenon in August, when the neighbors of the Earth in the system can be clearly seen in the morning sky.

To observe the phenomenon, experts suggest finding a dark place to see the western horizon at night. Mercury and Saturn will be in a low position in the sky. Located in a higher position in the straight line is Venus, the brightest planet in the sky, according to Thomas Willmitch, Director of Astronomical Palace at Illinois University.

Jupiter lies even higher, almost directly above the head, with the brightness of about 1/10 stars. The planetary chain ends in the eastern sky with Mars, easily noticeable due to its pink tone. The planet just flew near the earth a few weeks ago, making it look bigger than usual. Two other planets are too far to see if they do not use binoculars or telescopes. Thien Vuong star lies in the West of Jupiter while Neptune hidden between Venus and the western horizon.

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