Again planned asylum protest camp on Oranienplatz

Eleven years after the evacuation of a refugee camp more than a year on the Oranienplatz in Berlin-Kreuzberg, left groups want to start a protest camp again. From 1st to 31st March should be demonstrated with this form, it was said in a message with the motto “Oplages lives”. The Oranienplatz was deliberately selected because of the history of the old camp from 2012 to 2014, the organizers emphasized.

They called on their Instagram channel to support and turned against deportation and the refugee policy of CDU SPD, FDP, Greens, BSW and AfD. An event entitled “Stand United for Refugee Rights and Climate Justice” from 01. to 31 March of this year are registered with the police.

In October 2012, about 100 refugees had occupied the Oranienplatz after a long march through Germany and built tents and hut there to fight deportations. The occupiers changed over the next 18 months, the Senate negotiated a deduction. In spring 2014, some of them deducted against commitments, the huts of the others were demolished shortly afterwards and the camp was cleared.

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