Former President Evo Morales resigned from MAS and definitely breaks with the ruling party in Bolivia

The former president of Bolivia Evo Morales (2006-2019) This Thursday presented his resignation to the official movement to Socialism (MAS), Party of which he was a leader for almost 30 years, through a document that his lawyer processed before the Supreme Electoral Court (TSE).

The former president will present his Presidential candidacy for the elections of August 17 with the Front for Victory party (FPV), due to the distancing he has with President Luis Arce due to differences in the management of the Executive and the control of the MAS.

“The resignation has been presented in the protection of our democratic and cultural revolution (as the MAS5 governments have been known since 2005). We cannot be part of a government that has been corrupted and betrayed The basic and fundamental principles, “Héctor Rodríguez told the media, who presented Morales’s resignation before the Departmental Electoral Court of the Cochabamba region.

Morales had presented its official retirement on Tuesday through a delegate, but the electoral body rejected it under the argument that the procedure should be done in person, although it was later clarified that another possibility is with a “specific power notaries.”

The former president delegated a third DEbido that since October remains in the tropics of Cochabamba their political and trade union bastion in the center of the country, surrounded by their followers, who want to prevent an arrest warrant against him for an investigation for the crime of aggravated trafficking of people.

Morales ceased to be the president of the MAS in November after the judicial and electoral bodies validated a Congress held in May 2024 by the “Arcista” faction, as the followers of President Arce are known, who chose as the new leader of the government party the peasant leader Grover García, related to the government.

Militants of the Socialism Movement, arrive at the Departmental Electoral Court to resign the official party this Thursday in Cochabamba (Bolivia). Photo EFE

Since Monday, the most loyal militants to Morales They began to resign the official party In support of the former president, although the ‘EVISTAS’ legislators, who are related to the former president, will remain in the party to avoid a process for “political transfuge” and the loss of their seats in Parliament.

Tuhuichi Tahuichi Quispe’s vowel said in the first two days 1,686 militants renounced more than one million registered followers Q QIt has the official party.

Senator ‘Evista’ Leonardo Loza clarified this day to the media that Evo Morales followers will present their resignation to the most “up to one day before the general elections.”

For its part, Luis Arce Figure as a presidency candidate in the official party And he has been proclaimed in several acts he has attended to deliver works of his administration, although the final decision on his career to re -election will be defined in a conclave of the most planned for April.

Evo Morales held the presidency of Bolivia three times with the MAS (2006-2009, 2010-2014 and 2014-2019), and tried to obtain a fourth term in 2019 But the elections were declared “fraudulent” because the ruling alleged a “coup d’etat” against him, denouncing that was denied by the opposition.

The president of Bolivia, Luis Arce (I), participates together with the president of the official party MAS, Grover García, during an act commemorating the first political triumph of socialism movement (MAS). Photo EFE

The Division in the MAS began after the 2019 political crisis after Morales renounced the presidency and exiled in Mexico and Argentina.

Morales says that he is enabled to be presidential candidate despite a constitutional ruling of 2023 that indicates that indefinite re -election “is not a human right”, and that he determined that a person can only be president of Bolivia for two periods either continuous or discontinuous.

By Editor

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