The Board of Directors of the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) approved a strong adjustment plan: the Agricultural Experimental Station will be closed Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires (EEA AMBA) and will eliminate 41 extension agencies.
In meeting between the representatives of the Board of Directors of INTA, it was developed today, in the midst of protest of the Guild of the workers of INTA (Apinta).
At the meeting sE approved the elimination of 41 agencies and the agricultural experimental station will be closed Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires (Eea amba). In the latter case, the staff remains in a restructuring process that will be in charge of the National Directorate.
In addition, the family agriculture area will be transformed, which will be renamed “regional and small -scale productions”. 75 charges will be eliminated there.
The “chainsaw” in the INTA had begun last November with the aim of achieving the body to the fullest. At that time an evaluation period was approved to analyze each area with four people in charge and the dismissal of the 277 people who had entered in 2023 was stopped.
On that occasion, the voluntary retirement of 298 people had been approved; The auction of the Palermo building and the 40 hectares of INTA Cerrillos (Salta) were given to the province for a housing plan.
And today the National Directorate presented a restructuring project called “Comprehensive Proposal for Adaptation and Strengthening of the Human Resources of the INTA.” It is noted that INTA had 6,123 agents in January: 5,280 (86%) of permanent plant and 843 (14%) of non -permanent plant.
“The projection by 2025 is a decrease of 180 agents per retire Between 59 and 64, they could opt for the benefit of retirement for 2025, “explains the text.
Thus, according to the work, the projections due to the estimated casualties for the next years at the end of 2025 The plant is estimated at 5,720 agents and by the end of 2026 with 5,560 agents, a figure close to the endowment of the year 1990. “This accumulates in two years a reduction of the INTA plant in 16% and if the value of the optimal endowment is considered the reduction is 23%,” said the document.
As for salaries, the work stressed that “without a doubt its most important capital is the people who integrate the institution, so it is expected that the salary component will be the majority. However, a relationship that presents a balance between wages and operation close to 75:25 75 seems reasonable and is in line with similar institutions of science and technology.”
Thus, according to the work, some 3,307 million pesos are own funds, 7,932 million pesos are funds, 2,81 million pesos come from agreements, and 3,762 million pesos, of royalties, among the most important revenues.
“In short and in comprehensive terms, INTA has its own total budget execution, more extra budgetary, With a salary relationship operation of 70-30. In the event that the own resources that INTA has assigned by law were granted, this relationship would even be close to 50:50, “added the national management document.
It should be remembered that the Inta Board of Directors is made up of the President and Vice President of the INTA and a representative of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Faculties of Agronomy, of the Faculties of Veterinary Sciences (National Universities), of the Argentine Association of Regional Consortiums of Agricultural Experimentation (AACREA) and of the entities that make up the Link Table Argentina).