Pension reform: The CGT calls for mobilization on March 8 and 20 to “win the repeal”

The CGT, the second union center, calls for the mobilization “to win the abrogation of the reform” of pension from 2023 on March 8 and then on March 20, in a statement sent this Friday the day after the first concertation meeting between social partners. “For the CGT, the time is the time for the construction of the balance of power,” assumes the union center, denouncing “the double discourse of the government which does everything to prevent these consultations from being able to lead to the abrogation of the 2023 pension reform”.

After having “invented a hidden deficit”, the executive “tried to divide the unions by choosing its interlocutors” (from which the Solidaires and the FSU unions, as well as the employers of the social and solidarity economy, the UDES), writes the power station.

Towards a “magnitude mobilization”?

The CGT calls for “mobilization to gain the repeal of reform” by joining the processions scheduled for March 8, International Women’s Rights Day, to claim in particular “equal salary”, presented by the power station as one of the system financing solutions. She also calls to join processions on March 20 “with retired organizations”.


Beyond these first two dates, the CGT calls for “a time-to-date mobilization” and invites “all trade union organizations to come together to build the balance of power”. In January, Prime Minister François Bayrou asked the social partners to rediscover, without “taboo”, of the last reform still decried, and promised to submit to the Parliament any agreement, even partial.

The first consultation this Thursday between the partners was marked by a first crisis after Force Ouvrière (FO) decided to leave the table, refusing to participate in a “masquerade where we want to make us say that indeed the only solution is to extend the working time for employees”.


This first day of discussion once again showed the oppositions between unions and employers on this always very unpopular reform which gradually brings the starting age to 64 years. In an interview in Figaro, the Prime Minister surprised all the partners this Thursday evening by ensuring that in “cases of blocking (…) The referendum is a way out”, without however specifying the nature of this blockage (negotiations between partners, in Parliament or in the country …).

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