Eat kimchi, reduce sugar, supplement protein, omega-3, eat 30 g of fiber, drink green tea are simple ways to help reduce belly fat without exercising.

Hormonal changes and metabolism, especially in middle age, often leads to belly fat accumulation, even before you have never had this problem before. Although no diet can reduce fat in a specific area, some foods and eating habits can help limit the risk of accumulation of belly fat, especially internal fat – the most dangerous fat.

Eat kimchi

Research in 2024 of Chung Ang University (Korea) showed that people who eat Kimchi often have less risk of overweight or abdominal obesity. Kimchi contains probiotics, helping to increase beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract, thereby supporting weight control. Probiotics of the Rolactobacillus family, found in kimchi, yogurt, salted sauerkraut, kefir, kombucha and tempeh, are shown to be able to support weight loss, including belly fat.

If you are not used to eating kimchi, you can replace it with Greek yogurt without sugar – a great source of probiotics. Yogurt can be combined with berries and granola for breakfast, used instead of mayonnaise in sandwich or make healthy yogurt salad.


Fish is a good source of protein, helping to reduce belly fat when consumed. Image: Bui Thuy

Reduce free sugar consumption

Free sugar – sugar is added to food, often in fresh water, cakes, breakfast cereals and processed foods – is the main cause of obesity and belly fat. Many studies have shown the relationship between free sugar consumption and increased visceral fat.

In contrast, the natural sugar in fresh fruits is not harmful because it comes with fiber and other nutrients, helping to slow down the digestive process and prevent excess fat accumulation. Therefore, instead of consuming foods containing additional sugars, prioritize fresh fruits to control weight more effectively.

Protein supplementation

High quality protein plays an important role in reducing belly fat. A study published in the magazine of Biomed Centralcho found that the high amount of protein in the diet was inversely proportional to belly fat. High quality protein contains 9 essential amino acids (EAA) that the body needs to maintain health.

Good protein sources include eggs, fish, lean meat, beans, nuts and dairy products. Some plant foods such as soybeans, quinoa, buckwheat, chia seeds and hemp seeds also provide all 9 essential amino acids, which are the ideal choice for vegetarians.

Enhance fiber

Fiber is not only good for intestinal health but also helps control appetite, adjust blood sugar and reduce cholesterol. According to the recommendations of the British National Health Service (NHS), each person should consume 30 g of fiber every day.

To achieve this fiber, you can switch to using bread, pasta and whole rice. In addition, keep the potato skin when eating, supplementing nuts (with reasonable aperture about 30 g), butter, beans and lentils into the diet. A snack with a crispy rice cookie combined with butter or lentils is also a choice of rich and healthy fiber.

Drink green tea

A cup of green tea every day can help prevent belly fat. In a 2012 test, overweight drinkers of Catechin -rich drinks – an antioxidant found in green tea – for 12 weeks significantly reduced internal fat. Catechin is said to enhance fat metabolism, thereby supporting effective weight loss.

Additional omega-3

Omega-3 fatty acids are not only good for brain health but also support belly fat. Many studies show that a diet rich in omega-3 can help reduce the mass and rate of belly fat in overweight people who are following a diet.

Although the mechanism has not been fully understood, some hypotheses suggest that omega-3 helps increase metabolic rates and adjust hunger, reduce cravings. Omega-3-rich food sources such as fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines) are the ideal choice to add to the diet if you want to reduce belly fat.

Applying these small changes to daily habits not only helps you control belly fat but also improve overall health sustainably.

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