Three candidates for the mayor of Zagreb announce the announcement of the mutual exit of the mi & zcaron. The SDP also rated the local elections in May on Saturday with a certificate of bad policy and defeat of M & Zcaron! in Zagreb, the capitulation of the SDP before that party, as well as the beginning of the end of both parties.
HDZ candidate for mayor of Zagreb, Mislav Herman, said in a statement to Hini, he pointed out that the Mo & Zcaron were! and the SDP “Do Ju & Ccaron attacks, among them criticized each other – and now they enter into such a unprincipled coalition.”
“This coalition is just another proof that both the SDP colors of Zagreb & Ccaron is also afraid of what is what & Cacute & Ccaron on May 18th (in the local elections) of what they think about their proliferation of Zagreb so far.
Herman: I think this is the end of the end and mo & zcaron! and SDP
“At the last election cycle of M & Zcaron, we were concluded that I could do & cacute; and ourselves, and o & ccaron, now they could conclude that I couldn’t do & cacute alone and I think it’s the end of the end and mo & zcaron; em! And SDP,” said Herman. In our country, this coalition is the end of the SDP because, he explains, what kind of party that would be responsible for the Vo & dstrokkoni.
So far, the SDPs in the City Assembly “did nothing else except that they raised their hand for this one complete activists & Ccaron;
“And what did they do? They went to Be & Ccaron; UN Citrok; Ana of the City of Zagreb justified the trip by sightseeing their energy or burner (waste). Therefore, one big nothing and proof once again as both SDP and M & Zcaron will be in the elections that come in May,” Herman said.
Lovri & Cacute ;: Thomasi & Cacute; Surely losing elections in Zagreb
Party candidate Blue City Ivica Lovri & Cacute; Coalition MA & ZCARON; and the SDP considers “Crown Evidence that the election poll to & Ccaron is not that Tomašev & Cacute; he is sure to lose elections in Zagreb”.
The newly established coalition of O & Ccaron. in the statement & cacute. “It is shameful that the SDP, who represented something in this city, because of the salvation of Josko Klisovi & Cacute’s armchair, Branka Kolari & Cacute; and and they are similar to the chiefs in the Holding and the Zcaron area, he agrees to such a losing & ccaron; Lovri & Cacute;.
Platform mo & zcaron; emo! The battle for Zagreb, Lovri & Cacute adds;, is a fight for its own survival because “Greens are losing elections everywhere in the world, and Soroshevski financial taps are slowly closing.”
Both parties Lovri & Cacute; It states that in the past & CCARON;
Bernardi & Cacute;: Coalition is a sign of absolute panic in Mo & Zcaron; emo! and the SDP
Czaron; Elni & Cancaron; Candidate Platform Servus Zagreb Davor Bernardi & Cacute; He assessed the announcement of the joint date of the two parties to the local elections with the sign of absolute panic in the ranks of the Mo & Zcaron; and the capital capitulation.
“It’s the best news for me today. It’s a sign of the absolute panic in the ranks of the Mo & CARON to show all relevant surveys. And the SDP was denied. After a series of dissolution, ejection & ccaron; Bernardi & Cacute; In the Priop & Cacute;
The SDP has become a “region of the Mo & Zcaron party in the city of Zagreb” by this & zcaron, de facto, and Bernardi & Cacute added; he admitted to how weak and co -responsible he is to never worse in Zagreb.
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