This is how landlords secure themselves

The rental apartment market is particularly competitive in the cities, the offer on the market is manageable, and demand is very high. Landlords can choose from an ever larger group of applicants. If you want to get your dream property, you have to reveal a lot of yourself, especially the financial situation.

It is nothing new that landlords demand salary proof of tenants. However, Elke Hanel-Torsch observes, Chair of the Vienna Tenant AssociationThat it is increasingly required that tenants have to prove the three times the rent as earnings.

“It is recommended that the tenant’s monthly income is about three times the gross rental,” says Thomas Girkinger, a member of the real estate ring. “This ensures that the tenant is financially able to pay the rent regularly.”

Thomas Lainer, Vice President of the Real Estate Ring, adds: “In addition, we always carry out a credit query whether the tenant has negative entries.” Calculating this means: If someone earns 2,100 euros net per month, the rent should not exceed around 700 euros.

This is often an exclusion criterion, especially for students and young people. “So far, the credit criteria have been a topic for students,” says Alexander Scheuch, board member of the real estate ring. If you cannot provide the necessary salary proof, you need a guarantor.

“In this case, for example, the parents as a solidarity liable guarantee the rental agreement. The parents’ income must then be proven in advance. The income tax return serve as proof or in the case of self -employed people. ” The guarantor undertakes to pay the rent if the tenant cannot. “He has to guarantee that he will pay for the rent. This gives the landlord more security, especially for tenants with low incomes or tenants who are in training, ”says Thomas Girkinger.

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