Trump explains English on the official language

US President Donald Trump has declared English by decree on the official language of the United States.

The White House published the decree signed by Trump on Saturday, which means that it is high time, English to the official language to make the country. The step will strengthen the cohesion in the USA. So far, no nationwide official language was set in the United States.

An introduction of English as an official language was repeatedly discussed, in the 20th century there were several attempts in the congress.

More than 350 languages

Trump’s decision will in future be released from the duty of the federal authorities and the Federal Administration, which will also be released from the obligation, people in a other language other than English to offer. This obligation had the then president in the 1990s Bill Clinton introduced. According to the decree, however, the authorities still have to decide the flexibility of how much help they offer in other languages ​​than English.

From the White House it was said that more than 350 languages ​​spoken would. However, English is “the language of our nation”, in which “historical documents such as the declaration of independence and the constitution” were written.

Contested in court

In the United States, English is by far the most widespread language, but according to data from the Federal Government from 2019 68 million people Another language at home. More than 40 million of them speak Spanish alone. Among other things, numerous languages ​​of indigenous tribes are used to this day.

Trump has had since his Return into the white House in January enact a whole series of decrees to enforce his policy. However, many are challenged in court.

By Editor