There are 81 books proposed for the Strega 2025 award, the complete list

There are 81 in all the books proposed by “Friends of Sunday” for the LXXIX edition of the Strega Prize. These are fiction books in Italian who have been published between 1 March 2024 and 28 February 2025.

It is now up to the Steering Committee, composed of Pietro Abate, Giuseppe D’Avino, Valeria Della Valle, Alberto Foschini, Paolo Giordano, Dacia Maraini, Melania G. Mazzucco, Gabriele Pedullà, Stefano Petrocchi, Marino Sinibaldi and Giovanni Solimine, the task of selecting the twelve titles admitted to compete.

On Tuesday 15 April the dozen will be announced during the press conference to be held at the Chamber of Commerce of Rome in the Temple room of Vibia Sabina and Adriano.

This is the complete list of the books proposed for the Witch 2025 Award:


  1. Valerio aiolli, Portofino blues (Voland), proposed by Laura Bosio.
  2. Roberto Andò, The crocodile of Palermo (The ship of Teseo), proposed by Roberto Alajmo.
  3. Saba Subject, Mrs. wonder (Sellerio Editore Palermo), proposed by Igiaba Scego.
  4. Rossano Astremo, Naked of father (Solferino), proposed by Francesco Caringella.
  5. Andrea Bajani, The anniversary (Feltrinelli), proposed by Emanuele Trevi.
  6. Beatrice Beneforti, Martyr at home (Castelvecchi), proposed by Gabriele Ametrano.
  7. Giorgio Biferale, I’m almost ready (Ponte alle Grazie), proposed by Leonardo Colombati.
  8. Michele Bitossi, But I almost almost (Accent), proposed by Daniele Rielli.
  9. Giuliano Brenna, The smell of the courtyards (The branch and the Edizioni leaf), proposed by Franco Buffoni.
  10. Vito Bruschini, The Devil’s bankers. The Bergmeyer brothers (Newton Compton Editori), proposed by Laura Massacra.
  11. Dario Buzzolan, Shack and puppets (Mondadori), proposed by Massimo Gramellini.
  12. Cosimo Calamini, Iron and rust (Morellini), proposed by Roberta Mazzanti.
  13. Nicola Campiotti, All among us is infinite (Sperling & Kupfer), proposed by Giovanna Melandri.
  14. Emanuele Canzaniello, Breviary of the Indies (Wojtek), proposed by Giuseppe Montesano.
  15. Piera Carlomagno, Wherever I’ll go (Solferino), proposed by Valeria Parrella.
  16. Elvio Carrieri, Bighs of us (Ventanas), proposed by Valerio Berruti.
  17. Gino Castaldo, The boy of the century or the lost revolution (Harpercollins Italy), proposed by Neri Marcorè.
  18. Giuseppe Cerasa, Sicilian curtain. Stories of women, passions, secrets, mafia and heroes without glory (Aragno), proposed by Antonio Monda.
  19. Antonella Cilento, The Babylonian (Bompiani), proposed by Sandra Petrignani.
  20. Tiziana d’town, Twelve (Round Robin Editrice), proposed by Ignazio Marino.
  21. Riccardo De Gennaro, The fourth floor (Mirage Edizioni), proposed by Leopoldo Fabiani.
  22. Federica Depery, By Mother (Feltrinelli), proposed by Giancarlo de Cataldo.
  23. Anna di Cagno, The year of the Garuffa (Arkadia), proposed by Ilaria Catastini.
  24. Pier Paolo Di Mino, The splendor. Vol. 1: Hans’s childhood (Laurana Editore), proposed by Saverio Simonelli.
  25. Simona Dolce, Rosamund Fischer’s real name (Mondadori), proposed by Filippo La Porta.
  26. Paola Fabiani, Corallium (Helicon), proposed by Marcello Rotili.
  27. Mario Falcone, The gold (Arkadia), proposed by Gianpiero Gamaleri.
  28. Angelo Ferracuti, The son of Forrest Gump (Mondadori), proposed by Lorenzo Pavolini.
  29. Roberto Ferrucci, The world he made (The ship of Teseo), proposed by Claudio Magris.
  30. Enrico Fink, Patriclinear. A story of ghosts (Lindau), proposed by Ottavia Piccolo.
  31. Marigloria Fontana, Come from the darkness (Castelvecchi), proposed by Alfonso Celotto.
  32. Dario Franceschini, Aqua and Tera (The ship of Teseo), proposed by Romano Montroni.
  33. Katia Fundarò, Family album (Is thatre), one by ricardo cavallero.
  34. Debora’s Resource, Incompleteness. A story by Kurt Gödel (Ponte alle Grazie), proposed by Claudia Durastanti.
  35. Michele Gambino, One piece at a time. History of a journalist and his time (Manni), proposed by Carlo d’amicis.
  36. Giorgio graotti, House you were (Hacca), proposed by Giulia Caminito.
  37. Monica Giorgi, Serena Marchi, Tomorrow we go to the sea. Wimbledon, anarchy, prisons, exile and new worlds (Fandango Libri), proposed by Pierluigi Battista.
  38. Giovanni Greco, Il Club 27 (Ponte alle Grazie), proposed by Maria Teresa Carbone.
  39. Silvia Grossi, The island of Elsa (Books of the Arco), proposed by Giovanni Maritati.
  40. Riccardo Ilmini, Spectra devils cristi us (Neo Edizioni), proposed by Michele Dalai.
  41. Daniele Kong, Beast in the run (Coconino Press), proposed by Simonetta Sciandivasci.
  42. Sergio La Chiusa, The cemetery of the machines (Mirage Edizioni), proposed by Giuseppe Lupo.
  43. Emanuele Ludovisi, The great amateur of Lisbon (Palombi Editori), proposed by Marcello Ciccaglioni.
  44. Wanda Marasco, From behind this world (Neri Pozza), proposed by Giulia Ciarapica.
  45. Sebastiano Martini, The imperfect desire (Arkadia), proposed by Claudio Strinati.
  46. Renato Martinoni, Memories of sounds and lights. History of a poet and his madness (Manni), proposed by Pietro Gibellini.
  47. Michele masnere, Paradiso (Adelphi), proposed by Gian Arturo Ferrari.
  48. Giulio Milani, Canalini code. Ungrate ladies! (Transeuropa), proposed by Massimo Onofri.
  49. Francesca Romana Mormile, Of what is there, nothing is missing (Marlin), proposed by Rosa Maria Grillo.
  50. Andrea Moro, Fifty -one days (The ship of Teseo), proposed by Paolo Di Paolo.
  51. Erica Mou, One thing for which you will hate me (Fandango Libri), proposed by Concita De Gregorio.
  52. Mimmo Muolo, Rebel at night. A Christmas story (Paoline Editoriale Libri), proposed by Giovanni Grasso.
  53. Raffaele Nigro, The gift of love (The ship of Teseo), proposed by Renato Minore.
  54. Paolo Nori, I close the door and scream (Mondadori), proposed by Giuseppe Antonelli.
  55. Ciraco offered, Star mea (Giunti Editore), proposed by Giuseppe Conte.
  56. Ilaria Palomba, Purgatory (Alter Ego), proposed by Francesca Pansa.
  57. Piergiorgio Paterlini, Confess (Piemme), proposed by Lorenza Foschini.
  58. Gianluca Peciola, The line of silence. History of family and armed struggle (Solferino), proposed by Gioacchino De Chirico.
  59. Morena Pedriali Errani, The sky above Gaza has no colors (Perrone), proposed by Giorgio Nisini.
  60. Alessandro Perissinotto, The war of the crossbar (Mondadori), proposed by Alessandro Barbero.
  61. Attilio Piovano, The butterfly tattoo (Gremese Editore), proposed by Silvana Cirillo.
  62. Nikolai Pretia, The consciousness of the plants (Marsilio), proposed by Daniele Mencarelli.
  63. Annella Prisco, We, the secret (Guide), proposed by Corrado Calabro.
  64. Giuseppe Procaccini, Glass doors. Intertwined short stories and three interludes (Nemapress), proposed by Sergio Santoro.
  65. Stefano Rapone, Replies written by nude women (Rizzoli Lizard), proposed by Beppe Cottafavi.
  66. Elisabetta breed, Lost this sea is (Rizzoli), proposed by Giorgio Ficara.
  67. Christmas Antonio Rossi, The infinite line. Novel of the novels(Bertoni), proposed by Nicola Bottiglieri.
  68. Paolo Ruffilli, Lisbon fires (Passigli), proposed by Maurizio Cucchi.
  69. Michele Ruol, Inventory of what remains after the forest burns (Terrarossa), proposed by Walter Veltroni.
  70. Carmelo Sardo, Nights without memory (Bibliotheka Edizioni), proposed by Angelo Piero Cappello.
  71. Emiliano Sbaraglia, Read Dante in Tor Bella Monaca (And/or), proposed by Marco Cassini.
  72. Massimiliano Scudeletti, The disenchantment lagoon (Arkadia), proposed by Giovanni Pacchiano.
  73. Sonia Serazzi, An abundant light (Rubbettino), proposed by Romana Petri.
  74. Nadia Terranova, What I know of you (Guanda), proposed by Salvatore Silvano Nigro.
  75. Hilary Tiscione, Bristle (Alessandro Polidoro Editore), proposed by Filippo Bologna.
  76. Giorgia Tolfo, Wild swimming (Bompiani), proposed by Laura Pugno.
  77. Cecilia Tosi, MAREMMA PERESTROJKA (Round Robin Editrice), proposed by Luciana Castellina.
  78. Giorgio van Staten, The rebel. Extraordinary life of Nada Parri (Laterza), proposed by Edoardo Nesi.
  79. Grazia Verasani, Hotel in Madrid (Marsilio), proposed by Enrico Deaglio.
  80. Nicoletta Verna, Glass days (Einaudi), proposed by Elena Stancanelli.
  81. Annamaria boats, The Sicilian Dolciera (Marlin), proposed by Marcello Fois.


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