Musk fires nuclear technicians and risks disaster

Elon Musk risks a sensational own goal for the administration of President Donald Trump with mass layoffs between the staff who manage the safety of nuclear newspapers. The race to cut jobs in the public sector, reports the Washington Post, has pushed the tycoon and the doge – the Department for Government efficiency – to hunt hundreds of employees of the National Nuclear Security Administration.

Non -negligible detail: they are above all engineers and technicians involved in the safety of the 5000 nuclear newspapers located in the USA. The disaster was stigmatized by the Energy Department and the layoffs were immediately canceled, thanks also to the pressing of deputies and senators of both parties. The risky move was carried out on February 13, when 17% of the Nens was dismissed: the way in white who controlled the levels of radiation, the correct management of the newspapers, the storage of the plutonium. “It is absurd, I don’t even know where to start”, the comment of an anonymous manager of the agency who overall employ 1800 people.

The dismisses were initially replaced by unsuitable professional figures, with the risk of accidents in structures and plants in Tennessee, Texas, New Mexico, Nebraska and Missouri, all states – among other things – Republicans. The back march was sudden. The summaries for most of the staff have taken place.

The dismissal remained for administrative figures. Instead, technicians and specialists have been reabsorbed that have ‘level Q’, with access to confidential information. The risk is that, in the event of a torpedoing, someone may be attempted to sell the secrets to hostile powers.

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One thought on “Musk fires nuclear technicians and risks disaster”
  1. AstraGin – lino
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