China and Pakistan cooperated to select and train Pakistani astronauts for future tasks on the Thien Cung Space Station.
Muhammad Yousuf Khan (left), Chairman of Suparco, and Lin Xiqiang (right), Deputy Director of CMSEO, take photos with Prime Minister Pakistan Shehbaz Sharif at the cooperation agreement in Pakistan on February 28. Image: Xinhua
The technical office of the Chinese driver (CMSEO) and the Pakistan’s space and atmosphere research committee (Suparco) signed a cooperation agreement on future tasks to Thien Cung – China’s space station operating in orbit. The event took place at the Pakistan Prime Minister’s Office on February 28, marking the first time China recruited and trained astronaut for other countries, and the Thien Cung Station would welcome the first foreign astronaut.
As planned, the two sides will complete the selection process in about a year, the selected Pakistan candidate will undergo comprehensive training in China. After that, the Pakistani astronaut flew to Thien Cung station to perform short -term missions with Chinese astronauts in the next few years.
China and Pakistan have long been cooperating in the field of space. On July 16, 1990, the first digital communication satellite developed and produced by Pakistan, Badr-1, launched a low Earth orbit with China’s 2E missile 2E. On 3/5/2024, the Hang Nga 6 spacecraft launched from Hainan province, carrying the Cubesat satellite of Pakistan, helping the country to have a flight to the first moon.
The new agreement shows a breakthrough in China’s international cooperation in major space programs, because there is only little cooperation in universe universe missions, according to Wang Yanan, Editor -in -chief of the Journal. Aerospace Knowledge.
“This shows China’s commitment to sharing the most valuable space resources with the world community.
In the future, foreign astronauts to Thien Cung Station can perform tasks such as loading techniques, according to Kang Guohua, senior member of the Chinese Space Association and a spacecraft professor at Nanjing Aerospace University. This means that the astronaut from many countries will be able to perform its own experiments in the palace, turning this station into a space laboratory for the world.
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