Hajduk fans of divided opinions: ‘The result is good’. ‘Another cowardly approach’

It’s twice Hajduk losing in a derby against Dinamobut both times he managed to return and eventually win the draw (2-2). Moreover, they were Split and the Bli & Zcaron win with two games & Ccaron more, but in the end it ran out of time for a complete turnaround. The cheerful opinions are divided by the outcomes, we bring their reactions.

  • “Bravo De & CCaron; and return this from the end of the game when us to & Dstok; uu guests”
  • “Dinamo bench put another ball into the field and Vi & Ccaron; in two balls in the field, Pi *** Purger”
  • “Full support of Gattus”
  • “Now that I think a little better, Gattuso is a terrible coach. Being another and just with a point behind with this group of dumb & cacute; and is really & ccaron; widow Nevi & dstrok and never again & cacute;
  • “Better much than Dinamo. After the first half, it was supposed to be 3-1 for us that the chances were realized. The second slightly worse, but there is nothing to complain about. There will be a lot of offensives and I would not say that it was not & zcaron.

Zagreb: Dinamo and Hajduk match in the 24th round of the First HNL |

Photo: Sanjin Strukic/Pixsell

  • “Another Kukav & Ccaron Coach who missed the knockout never burns Dinamo despite & Ccaron; 30 minutes with a game & ccaron more, or 10 minutes with two more players. Except for a naked total failure as well as a torch and another interruption of Torcida at the moment we chase the result”
  • “Half an hour play & CCARON; More. Five minutes two games & more more. More to me & Ccaron seem to be happy with a point. And so they don’t get championships. The competitors are offered, but we don’t take.”
  • “We are a team without a mud and this was best seen now. Having two games & Ccaron no longer even shot to the goal I can only have heavy cowards”
  • “Ideas play & Ccaron and Hajduk with two games & Ccaron more shows how much this mine & Ccaron can play football and how capable they are to win the championship”

Zagreb: Dinamo and Hajduk match in the 24th round of the First HNL |

Photo: Sanjin Strukic/Pixsell

Hajduk is currently & Ccaron; but the other Mom & Ccaron; AD League with 45 points, one less than the water and the rivers and six more than the third dinamo. In the next car, the Ccaron will wait for Gorica in Poljud.

By Editor

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