Energy check: why you will not receive this boost in April this year

If you are the beneficiary of the energy check each year, do not be surprised not to receive this boost in April as usually. The adventures of the political calendar, with the censorship of the government of Michel Barnier in December, then the arrival of the executive led by François Bayrou led to a late adoption of the 2025 finance law in February.

The law was thus promulgated almost 3 months after the usual period, around October. In the absence of a budget voted by institutions, this generates consequences on the calendar of payments of certain aids, including the energy check, specifies the national energy mediator on its website.

A sending “shifted in the second half of 2025”

“The energy check will not be sent to the beneficiaries in April as in previous years. The calendar for sending energy checks will be shifted in the second half of 2025, “warns the mediator. The exact date therefore remains unknown for the time for more than 5.7 million beneficiary households.


Be careful if you used to receive it. Its allocation is only semi-automatic: it is done without a process on your part if your household is identified by a crossing of data between the Directorate General of Public Finances (DGFIP), the managers of public electricity distribution networks and electricity suppliers.

“This identification will determine tax households whose reference tax income is less than 11,000 euros per consumption unit,” recalls the mediator on his site. On the other hand, if you are not identified by this crossroads but you fulfill the conditions for the allocation of this aid, you will be able to point out on a dedicated online portal.

A boost for energy bills

Distributed since 2018, the energy check helps very modest citizens to pay their energy bills and certain energy renovation works. The amount of the check goes through depending on the income and the composition of the home. It varies between 48 euros and 194 euros for a single person whose income does not exceed 11,000 euros per year. For a couple with children, this sum can rise to 277 euros.


The detail of the scale can be found on the site of the Ministry of the Economy. The nominative check is to be used to pay electricity, gas, heating, etc. It is sent to the beneficiary’s home and must generally be used before March 31 of the year following its allocation. In addition, more and more electricity suppliers offer their customers to directly receive the amount of their energy check, and to deduct it from their invoices.

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