In a mountain in the southeast of Australia, thousands of wild horses were shot as part of a controversial plan to protect the environment. AAP news agency reports this on Monday.
In a mountain in the southeast of Australia, thousands of wild horses were shot as part of a controversial plan to protect the environment. AAP news agency reports this on Monday.
De Wilde Horses, known as “Brummbies”, have been living in the Ruige Kosciuszko National Park in the Snowy Mountains of New South Wales (NSW) and have become part of the Australian Folklore with poems, songs, novels and films.
The NSW government tries to reduce their population from an estimated 14,380 to 3,000 in 2027 by catching and relocating them and, if that is not possible, by shooting them on the floor and from helicopters. “It is a way to protect the natural environment of the park,” says nature conservationists. According to them, this is a non-native species that causes damage to the vulnerable flora and fauna of the mountains. In addition, the horses would destroy Drasland and endanger indigenous animal species.
According to the environmental minister of the state, Penny Sharpe, from now on the horses no longer have to be shot from helicopters.
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