It sneaks up slowly, hurts functioning, changes the personality and sometimes leads to life -threatening situations. Adult depression is one of the most common mental disorders, but also one of the least understandable. The recent State Comptroller’s report revealed how the state neglected the mental victims in Israel in the shadow of the Iron Sword War, and the shocking numerical data that about three million Israelis suffer or suffer from post -trauma, anxiety disorders and depression.Prof. Arad Holy Manager of the mental health system in a united health fund and the head of the mental health department in the community, explaining the disorder, diagnostic and treatment methods.
Following the Corona Tower and the “Iron Swords” war, it was dramatically observed with mental disorders, and in particular depression. This is not just a poor mood, but a serious mental disorder that affects human function in various fields of life – work, interpersonal relationships, daily functioning and the ability to enjoy life. Prof. Kedesh explains that the difference between temporary despondency and depression is the continuation of the symptoms and their intensity. “Depression is a syndrome, that is, a range of symptoms that last for long and impair quality of life,” he notes.
The diagnosis is based on criteria defined in the DSM5 psychiatric diagnostic book. In order to diagnose clinical depression, at least five of the following symptoms should be held for at least two weeks: poor mood most of the day, inability to enjoy (enhanced), weight and appetite changes, sleep disorders (insomnia or excessive sleep), fatigue and energy, decreased concentration, guilt or lack of value, In adults depression, cognitive changes that are reminiscent of dementia may be manifested by a phenomenon known as “pseudodamanity”. Therefore, it is important to make a comprehensive medical evaluation to rule out other diseases and ensure proper diagnosis.
There are different types of depression, each characterized by unique characteristics. Jeri depression is the most serious form and significantly affects daily functioning. Dystimia, also known as ongoing depression, is a easier shape but lasts at least two years. Diagnostic diagnosis criteria include a poor mood for most of the day for at least two years, along with two or more of the following symptoms: appetite changes, sleep disorders, fatigue or lack of energy, low self -esteem, concentration or decision -making difficulties, and despair. The main difference between dyshidia and depression is that the intensity of symptoms in dysfunction is usually less severe, but it is very prolonged and affects the quality of life over time. Occasionally, dysthemia may evolve into juror depression, a phenomenon known as “double depression”.
Punified depression appears at certain periods of the year, usually in winter, due to a lack of sunlight. Psychotic depression includes severe symptoms such as false thoughts or hallucinations. Postpartum depression affects women after birth and affects their ability to function and communicate with the baby.
The risk factors for depression are varied and include a combination of biological, psychological and environmental factors. Genetic tendency plays a significant role – if first -degree relatives suffered from depression, the risk increases significantly. Difficult life experiences such as loss, trauma, ongoing stress or economic problems may be a significant trigger. Adults with chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease or chronic pain are at increased risk. Hormonal changes, such as menopause, can also cause depression.
The diagnosis of depression is performed through comprehensive clinical questioning, assessing symptoms and examining the patient’s medical history. Family physicians and psychiatrists use tools such as depression ratings (PHQ-9, BDI) to assess the severity of the disorder. In addition, medical examinations are performed to rule out other medical factors that can cause depression symptoms, such as thyroid disorders or nutritional deficiencies.
The treatment of depression varies according to the severity of the disorder and the characteristics of the patient. Psychological treatment is a basic stone in treatment, with evidence-based treatments such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and interpersonal therapy (IPT) have been particularly effective. For patients with severe medium to severe depression, drug therapy is an important option. Anti-depression from the SSRIs such as Prozac, Ciprlex and Srocast are considered a first treatment line, due to their high relative efficiency and safety profile.
Other groups of drugs include SNRIs (such as Vicosex and Dolocstine), which operate on both serotonin and norepinephrine, and can be effective in cases of depression with an anxious component. The triacal family drugs are still used, but due to their side effects, they are mainly intended for treatment. In recent years, the anesthetic drug has also developed known as the “party drug” – Kathmine – which is given as quick treatment for durable cases.
The choice of appropriate drug therapy is done taking into account the patient’s characteristics, possible side effects and the expected response to treatment. For patients with anxiety, a drug with a soothing effect may have been favored. In patients with significant sleep disorders, drugs with anesthetic effect can be combined. There are also biological treatments such as deep magnetic guts (TMS) and electric rake in cases where other treatments have not been beneficial.
Beyond the drug and psychological treatment, it is important to have a healthy lifestyle in managing depression. Regular exercise has been proven to be improving the mood by raising serotonin levels and brain endorphins. Balanced diet, which includes omega-3-3 and vital fatty acids, can contribute to improving the symptoms. Social support is a critical component of dealing with depression, so it is advisable to strengthen social connections and share close in the emotional state.
In the end, depression is a medical condition that requires serious reference and appropriate treatment. Recognizing that this is a disorder for anything and that can be effectively treated can help people suffering from depression and their relatives to seek time help. Like any other medical illness, the focus of the matter is too early, adjusting proper care and gradual rehabilitation of quality of life.
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