Spectacular discovery in Türkiye, a Hermes statue

One spectacular archaeological discovery He left his archaeologists open to work in the ancient city of Aspendos, who brought to light a great statue of Hermes, Messaggero and ambassador of Zeus, the fastest of the gods of Greek mythology. Aspendos, famous for a large Roman theater, is located Alle Porte di Antalya, Location of southern Turkey and despite being one of the most studied ancient cities in the country remains a source of surprising surprises for archaeologists.

The statue of Hermes, carved in marble and just under two meters high, was found in several pieces but all in excellent condition, in the excavation near the monumental fountain (Nymphaeum). The same excavation also gave birth to the heads of statue of Aphrodite and Eros And other pieces of sculptures that are believed to belong to Artemide and Nemesis. Waiting for further finds now Turkey enjoys this new piece of ancient art that enriches the huge archaeological heritage of the country.

Hermes has a bag for coins in his right hand, while from the left shoulder a cloak hangs that ends in the hand that maintains a sort of scepter. To the left of the God, who in addition to bringing the embassies on behalf of Zeus defended the shepherds and chased the thieves, a seated lamb that turns his gaze is carved. The statue has currently been dated between 150 and 200 dc. After a first recomposition work, it will now be subjected to restoration and then be exposed to the public.

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