Verdi demands additional BVG tariff round within ten days

In the collective bargaining with the Berlin transport companies, Verdi initially waived another warning strike – instead the union penetrates an additional negotiation date. “In order to advance at the negotiating table, Verdi calls on the BVG to make a further negotiation date within the next ten days,” said the union according to the consultations of the collective bargaining commission.

You can expect feedback from the BVG within 24 hours. “If the BVG makes an appointment, there will be no other strikes by this date.” The next round of negotiations for March 21 was originally planned.

BVG plans to enter into the demand of the union

The BVG welcomed the step of the union. The municipal company said that Verdi will go to the appointment.

The collective bargaining for the approximately 16,000 employees had been confrontative for a long time. After the first three rounds of talk, Verdi called on the warning strike. However, the company and the union approached last week.

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The BVG had previously submitted a new offer that provides a significantly shorter term. There was also accommodation when it comes to allowances. Verdi negotiator Jeremy Arndt spoke of constructive conversations.

Verdi: “We want to agree”

According to the consultations of the collective bargaining commission, it was now said: “With regard to the basic wages, however, the offer is still rated as too low in order to compensate for catching up to do with the price jumps of recent years.” A offer with which the BVG as an employer will be attractive again, said Arndt. “We want to agree. That is why we now want to continue negotiating promptly. “

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