Alphabet presents the Taara chip, which uses light beams to take internet to everyone

Alphabet It has presented the Taara chip, with which the technology company intends to offer an alternative to the optical fiber for which to offer a fast and affordable Internet connection through light beams.

Taara is a silicon photonic chip that materializes the Alphabet initiative, Google matrix, to carry “Light -based communications to more people”as the general manager, Mahesh Krishnaswamy, exposes in a press release.

Taara is developed by X, the Alphabet area for the big projects, that investigates a quick and more affordable way to bring Internet to everyoneeven in places where fiber optics reaches, due to the difficulty of installation.

And in front of this, which carries the light for a cable, Taara technology uses beams of light. Specifically, Use a very narrow and invisible beam of light to transmit data at speeds of up to 20 Gbps, up to 20 kilometers.

The novelty in this technology is the new chip, which is composed of hundreds of light emitters, and uses ‘software’ to direct, track and correct the light beam without voluminous mobile pieces; An advance with respect to Taara Lightbridge (the first generation), which directed the light physically through a system of mirrors, sensors and ‘hardware’.

In the tests that the company has carried out in its laboratories, they have successfully transmit data to 10 Gbps at distances of 1 kilometer outdoors using two Taara chips. The company is already working in the next -generation chip, it will be available in 2026.

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