The English was designated on Saturday (1) as the official language of the United States in a decree signed by Donald Trump, president of the country. The decision aims to “promote greater cultural cohesion, administrative efficiency and unification in the midst of linguistic diversity in the largest global economy”. The government’s goal is to centralize all official services and communications in a common language, “reflecting national history and values.”
According to the government’s executive order, the measure seeks to “simplify bureaucratic processes, ensure egalitarian access to public information and strengthen civic and national identity”. With formalization, English officially becomes the standard language for government documents, public services and all official communications.
Although English is already widely used in government systems and American society, officialization gives a symbolic weight to practice. The regulation intends to standardize administrative processes, increasing the efficiency of the state.
Historically, the United States had never adopted an official language at the federal level, reflecting the multicultural character of the country and its long tradition of immigration. Linguistic diversity was seen as an inherent feature of American identity.
Nevertheless, more than 30 US states had already declared English as an official language in local laws. According to a survey of US Society made by the US Census between 2018 and 2022, about 78.5% of the population over five years old speaks exclusively English at home. At the same time, 68 million people use other languages, mostly Spanish, Chinese, Filipino, Vietnamese and Arabic.
The measure, however, generated concerns between immigrant communities and advocates of linguistic diversity. Critics indicate that the exclusive requirement of English can make it difficult to access information and public services to people who have other languages as main in their daily lives.
The lack of clear initiatives to support linguistic minorities raises debates on the potential impact of this decision. Civil rights groups indicate that such a change can expand social exclusion and limit the integration of communities where English is not predominant.
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