Lawsuit against the World Association: Pechstein team: Million dispute against the World Association

According to the Berliner, the legal dispute between the speed of ice skating runner Claudia Pechstein and the ISU ice skating world association ISU for compensation for pain and suffering and compensation in the millions. As her partner Matthias Große announced, the “Fall Pechstein on February 27, 2025 had found a clear and conciliatory end after over 16 years.” No information was given about the details of the agreement in the millions. There will initially be no further statements by the Pechstein team.

The 53-year-old Olympic champion had sued ISU for compensation and compensation for compensation for almost 8.4 million euros for a two-year doping lock that was wrongly imposed in 2009 (Az. U 1110/14 Kart.). Pechstein had always denied doping and repeated this in court.

At the negotiation before the Munich Higher Regional Court, the judge had suggested an out -of -court settlement. After that, the ISU should formulate a declaration of honor. Then Pechstein should decide whether it agrees. Thereafter, negotiations can be made about the amount of the compensation. “If the ISU publicly admits that it was wrong to block myself, I am ready for a comparison,” Pechstein had declared in court.

ISU blocks Pechstein 2009 for two years

The starting point for the legal marathon through sports and civil courts was a two-year lock for Pechstein by the ice skating world association ISU because of violation of the anti-doping rules on July 1, 2009. It was responsible for the application of the forbidden method of blood doping, it said in the grounds. In the event of blood checks at the all-around World Cup from 7th to 9th of February 2009 in Hamar in Norweg, excessive values ​​of reticulocytes had been found.

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Reticulocytes are “young” red blood cells that are only detectable for a short time before they become “adult” blood cells. These are responsible for the transport of oxygen in the body. At Pechstein, a blood tanomaly (spherocytosis) inherited by the father was found. Even after their lock, the reticulocyte values ​​remained higher than allowed, but sanctions by ISU were no longer.

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