Microsoft announces that Skype, pioneer in video calls, comes to an end after 20 years

Skype is a video, audio and text communication platform that began to be used in the early 2000s. Microsoftthe company that owns the application, announced that after more than 20 years, Skype would cease to exist. Instead, it offers a new comprehensive solution for video calls and communications.

A Skype It was used by many people over the years, since it popularized the video calls decades before the COVID-19 pandemic where almost everyone was forced to use these methods to study, work and socialize. The new solution proposed by Microsoft is Teams a platform that brings together the possibility of sending text messages, audio and also making video calls. It is already used in many parts of the world, mainly as a Business solution

Microsoft announces Skype’s end

The announcement was given at the official Microsoft site. Jeff Teper, director of the apps sector, explained: “To optimize our free communication offers for the consumer, so that we can adapt more easily to the needs of customers, we are going to Remove Skype from the market in May 2025and we will concentrate centrally on the continuous evolution of Microsoft Teams (free), our main axis of communication and collaboration “.

The farewell of this communication tool is a sad day for the nostalgic, but the truth is that the number of users who used it had diminished (they used it (40 million peoplecurrently, while Teams It exceeds that number with “hundreds of millions”, according to Microsoft) and that its growth was stagnant. It is a Business decision in pursuit of “a better performance of time and money investments”, as the manager of Microsoft.

“Con Microsoft Teamsusers have access to the same tools as in Skypehow calls in a group or one, messages, file shipments. However, Teams also offers improved characteristics in the Organization of meetingsin the management of calendars and in the creation of communitiesall for free “Teper clarified.

Teamsindeed, it is a platform that exceeds Skype, where the functionalities dedicated to Create communities They could be much more useful for companies and students. The app includes other tools, in addition to those of communication —videollado, text, audio, in groups or communities, and also one by one – because it also concerns platforms such as Word, Excel, Planner.

What do I have to do if Skype use?

In the next few days, Microsoft announced that all users of Skype may enter Teams from User and password of the first platform. “Logging with The account of Skype and teamsautomatically appear Contacts and the chats of the original account so that each one can continue from where he left it ”says Microsoft.

During this Transition period —Without specifying when it ends, we would presume that it is the month of May – the Skype users They can contact those who passed to Teams and vice versa.

For all those who do not want to open an account in Teams, Skype allows us to export all the data, including chats, contacts and call history.

Skype will remain available until May 5, 2025giving users the option to explore Teams before deciding what is best for each one “concludes Microsoft.

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