Zagreb & Ccaron They arrested another & Ccaron, Lana Gang, who should have made improvised devices at several locations in Zagreb for an unknown order. After being arrested at the end of last year by Miodraga J. (45) called Mija Serb and Renatu & Ccaron;. (32), police have now been criminally reported by Dejan S. (35) to encourage the installation of gadgets, and they are still looking for a 41-year-old.
Band suspects & Ccaron for several criminal offenses, and who was ordered by the teacher is still established. They suspect that Miodrag and the 41-year-old in September 2024 received an explosive device together to place it under a vehicle owned by a trade in Zagreb. They were encouraged by Dejan, who was contacted by an unknown person and asked Zcaron to find some reliable who had to set and activate more explosive devices in more agreed places in the Zagreb area.
Dejan, they suspect such an agreement and Angi & Zcaron, Miodraga to set up and activate the explosive device under the Peugeot Zagreb & Ccaron license plate owned by Leasing Ku & Cacute; e from Zagreb, used by the 40-year-old company. This company deals with the rental of vehicles, and Peugeot was parked on Kaljska Street in Zagreb.
Miodrag, at the other nevertheless, had purchased an explosive device after & Ccaron, with a 41-year-old on September 10, 2024 & Ccaron; a forty minutes after the Prom & Cacute; and came to Kaljska Street.
– Singing a parked car, he suspected, on the upper part of the front-right elevator, with aim of substantial damage, asked an explosive device, which they then activated the ignoration of the sporadower & cacute; This caused an explosion that was damaged by the front car of the Peugeot and the left side of the Mazda Zagreb’s Personal car owned, parked near Peugeot, after & caron. State & Cacute; and only the age of the suspects & ccaronics.
Druga i treća The target was No & Cacute; neither clubs visited in November 2024. years. Miodrag and Renata drove on 24. November from Nova Gradiška to Zagreb and came to No & Cacute; L & F club on the thorny road. Renata remained in the car, while Miodrag set and activated an explosive device in front of the entrance to the club. They planned the same in & Cancaron at the entrance to No & Cacute; neither club in Florian Andrašeca Street, so are 25. November, ten minutes behind Pono & Cacute; and, by car drove to the club. Miodrag approached him, but at the entrance, he or CCaron, due to & CCaron, were giving up and took place from Dog & Dstrok; and with him the improvised explosive device, the Detonator Capital and Sporo and Cacute. As Dejan insisted that he had done that job after all, they returned to the club again in NO & Cacute; and on the 6th December 2024. Years.
Their plans thanked Zagreb and Ccaron, who had arrested the criminals and cacaron; in which they were searched, where they found and temporarily confiscated the improvised explosive device they planned to set up to the club. She was hidden in the sneaker stepped on the cabinet, sleeping & cacute; e rooms. In the same time, there were 1032 grams of amphetamine and about 16.72 grams of cocaine and two digital scales.
Dejana thus suspicion & cacaron; e to encourage all three crimes, the District and District and the Danger and Property, one of whom remained in an attempt, and Miodrag and 41-year-in-law for unauthorized possession of explosive substances and damage.
-A 35-year-old suspect was handed over to the detention supervisor, while the suspects of the 45-year-old had been in the Istra & Zcaron prison, and the 32-year-old had a regular procedure against the 32-year-old. Criminals & ccaron, who is in the aim of being determined by the identity of an unknown person, as well as in the goal of finding a suspect & Ccaron.
Miodrag is Istra & Zcaron admitted that he had set bombs, but he did not find out who was an angry for it, he wrote to Jutarnji List. Apart from 2000 euros in money, he was also paid for cocaine. After his testing in Tu & Zcaron, he was determined by the prison, so that he could not repeat the crime, while Renata was released to defend himself from freedom.
Ina & Ccaron, Miodrag is well known to police officers for offenses with elements of violence. As he wrote 035portal, on October 8, 2023, in Slavonski Brod, with several other men, he tried to rob & Ccaron. Armed with a gun, he entered the bookmaker’s space, but when he tried to draw out and the weapon, he was clumsily shot and wounded himself in his leg. While the rest of the group fled the group, Miodrag, seriously injured, drove to the ship’s hospital, where he was urgently operated on, and the police quickly reconstructed how he was injured.
Police found a bomb in a sneaker
1) A makeshift explosive device whose police have taken away
2) The device was hidden in a sneaker
3) Police found and took 1032 grams of amphetamine and 16.72 grams of cocaine and two digital scales