In view of the impending CO2 penalties, EU Commission President Ursula from Leyen wants to admit more time to meet EU requirements. She will propose a targeted change in the CO2 standards this month, she said in Brussels. On Monday, she advised car manufacturers about possible concessions in view of the announced new US tariffs.
Specifically, the Commission wants to propose the planned fines for automotive manufacturers, whose cars and vans do not meet the CO₂ emission goals 2025, to change the fact that they can achieve the goals based on fleet emissions over three years. The goals themselves would remain unchanged. “You have to fulfill the goals, but that means more scope for industry,” said Ursula von der Leyen and added that the proposal continues to require the approval of the EU governments and the European Parliament.
The EU plans to publish its action plan for the automotive industry on Wednesday. This is intended to ensure that EU auto manufacturers can electrify their fleet and compete with the more advanced Chinese and American competitors.
The shares of the big German car manufacturers clearly increased in a first reaction.
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