The pressure of precious metal makes the legs of the cross -country skiers heavy

The skiathlons of the hopes of hope were less strong than hoped Teresa Stadlober and Mika Vermeulen. ÖSV sports director Mario Stecher led the pressure and the increased expectation according to the strong World Cup services as a possible cause. “The starting point has changed in such a way that one would have chances of medals, so it becomes more difficult in terms of printing because everyone and themselves are expected to fight at the forefront. It’s not that easy on day X. ”

It is also the cross -country skiers who can experience the best mood at the World Cup with tens of thousands of fans in the stadium and on the routes. “What happened again in the forests how they live the Nordic sport is great to watch.”

On Tuesday, the 10 km classic is on the program for women and men, with Vermeulen and Stadlober.

“That was not what we planned and showed all season. We have other goals, of course we want to show ourselves better in the ten, ”said Stadlober before her second of three World Cup missions. Your hope for the weather improvement and not so icy trails will probably not be fulfilled. “I hope it will be softer. But it should rain through and be salted again, which makes it smooth and icy. I prefer it if it’s softer. ”

Hope with Vermeulen

Vermeulen hopes for a significant increase. “Everything is possible from 1 to 30. I am in good shape and still have trust. If I catch my best day with the best skiing, everything is possible, ”said Vermeulen on rainy Monday. The persistent bad weather (“The saying, in Trondheim it rains every day, has come true every time.”) Means a huge challenge for the guard team and a stress component for the athletes.

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