Experts predict more than half of adults and one -third of children, teenagers around the world will be overweight or obese by 2050.
Research by the Institute of Review and Health Index (IHME) at the University of Washington, USA, published in The Lancet magazine, March 5. Experts warn the obesity rate will increase rapidly in the remaining years of this decade, especially in low -income countries. However, if the government acts emergency now, they can still stop this disaster.
In 2021, nearly half of the global mature population – a billion male and 1.11 billion women aged 25 and older – overweight or obese. The proportion of both men and women has doubled since 1990.
If this trend continues, the proportion of overweight and global adults will increase by about 57.4% for men and 60.3% for women by 2050.
However, the population growth will cause obese people in Sahara Africa to increase by more than 250%, to 522 million. The number of obesity in Nigeria is expected to increase more than three times, from 36.6 million in 2021 to 141 million in 2050. The country will become the country with the fourth largest number of people in the world.
The rate of obesity is expected to increase rapidly in the remaining years of the century. Image: Optimumen Docrinecare
The rate of obesity in children and adolescents and young people under 25 years old has increased more than 1990 to 2021. By 2050, every three young people will have one person in this situation.
Dr. Jessica Kerr, co -author of the report from the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in Australia, said this is a challenge for the health system in the coming years. However, if acting immediately, countries can still prevent the existing crisis.
According to Dr. Kerr, children and young people in many places in Europe and South Asia are living with overweight. This should be the goal of communication strategies, raising awareness to prevent obesity. Communities in North America, Australasia, Oceania, North Africa, Middle East and Latin America can be overweight at the threshold to intervene and emergency treatment in the future. Serious health and social costs, heavy finance for future generations.
“The governments of countries can use this report to determine the serious obese population group, those who need treatment, and at the same time set out prevention strategies to target them. Overweight and obesity can become tragedy, great failure to society,” Professor Emmanuela Gakidou said.
The research acknowledges not to take into account the impact of new weight loss drugs, which can play an important role in the future.
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