Pope Francis remains “stable” according to the Vatican part

Papa Francisco has remained stable throughout the day, as the Vatican has reported this afternoon. Has not had a fever during the day nor new respiratory crises Like those suffered on Monday, although he will sleep tonight with ventilation mask. His forecast It is still “Reserved”.

In the part of this morning, it was already reported that the Pope had dawned “stable”, hours after suffering his last relapse and could change the mask that helps him breathe through a nasal cannula, when they are fulfilled 19 days of hospitalization of the Argentine Jesuit, 88.

After sleeping “all night”, the first information indicated that the pontiff “got up and continued his treatment” and that the mask that administers oxygen by a nasal high flow cannula lighter.

“The situation this morning can be considered stable, but with a complex picture (” said a Vatican source, specifying that the Pope, “It is not out of danger”.

The spiritual leader of 1.4 billion Catholics in the world was admitted to the Gemelli Hospital in Rome on February 14 by bronchitis, which resulted in double pneumonia. But its state suffers ups and downs, which have activated all alarms.

The pontiff planned “rest” on Tuesday, according to the Vatican Fuente. The last relapse occurred on Monday. After two “stable” days, he suffered “two episodes of acute respiratory failure.”

The crisis was caused by an “important accumulation” of mucus in the bronchi, which doctors aspired with two “bronchoscopies”, according to the details spread. Francisco also suffered a new bronchospasm -control of the musculature that covers the bronchi-, which caused breathing difficulties.

The strongest respiratory crisis was on February 22, when he also needed a blood transfusion.

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