At the largest world -class mobile industry fair in Barcelona, Mobile World Congress, Telemach was recognized by Opensignal, which confirmed that his mobile net & zcaron is the most reliable and the best qualities in Croatia. The acknowledgment was taken on behalf of Telemacha by Adrian & Zcaron, the CEO of the Company, and Danijela Bistri & Ccaron;
– In Telemach, we are completely and cacute, the mission to top technology in & Cancaron; we are available to everyone. Today, in the company of the world’s technological giants, proudly in the hands of Dr & Zcaron; that is exactly our mobile network, according to the experience of real users, and the CCaron is in the collaboration.
– From the very arrival at the Tr & Zcaron, we have a lot of urges into our mobile net & zcaron; in order to offer users the world’s best technology and superior useful & ccaron; who experience. We are pleased that this is confirmed by the global leader for independent measurements – concluded the clarity of the seas of the Sea & Cacute;.
According to Opensignal measurement, Telemach is the best in & Ccaron, 10 of the 14 categories, including the Cacute; and the quality of the network, reliability, 5g coverage, speeding and data transmission and video viewing experience. Opensignal scalp & zcaron; tests analyze the actual experiences of users when using mobile devices daily for, for example, communication, surfing, watching video contains and zcaron.
From Telemach, the same & CCaron; that is a recognition, for them, the result of long-term and cacaron; to the company in the company’s 50% and the capacity of the network, and today it covers 98% of the population.
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