Iranian president’s survival battle: The crises at a boil
Iranian President Masud Peschchian recorded one of his most difficult weeks in office, with the ouster of his Finance Minister and his surprising retirement of his associate, former Foreign Minister Muhammad Jawad Zarif. The political crises come while Iran’s economic and social crises peak, with never -ending inflation, constant burnout of local currency and an unbearable energy crisis that impairs the routine of residents in the country daily.Pazishchian, who is relatively moderately leading to the leading line in Iranian politics, which is now becoming the criticism of the state’s conservative and survivors in the country. The difficult criticism of the government, in a relatively conservative parliament, comes in a particularly problematic period – after returning to President Trump’s White House and increasing the pressure on Iran in order to drag it back to the negotiation table to try to advance the nuclear issue.

The economic situation in Iran is severe. Pazishchian revealed this week at a hearing on the Matthew Finance Minister that the government is in severe budgetary distress, and is unable to meet its obligations to the employees, contractors and pensioners. He even stated that in order to survive financially, the government had to attract about $ 1 billion from a special emergency. All this while Trump returned the “maximum pressure” policy on Iran and makes it particularly difficult for Iran’s oil export.

The conservatives in Iran do not save the president, who was elected on an economic and social bed and asked first and foremost to facilitate the Citizens’ living crisis. Since the start of Peschchian’s government’s term – the Iranian currency has lost tens of percent of its value, and is now ranging from a value of between 900,000 and million for one US dollar in the black and unofficial market in the country. This situation contributes to the never -ending inflation in Iran, with a hundred percent jump in the price of basic food products such as rice, potatoes and legumes.

In the past week, the government has had to deny reports, which were published, among other things, on the Iran International Opposition Channel, because there is intention and preparation to increase the price of fuel in the country. In a period of endless price increases, fuel prices may be too much for citizens, remembering the mass and hardest protests in Iran following the rise of fuel prices in 2019.

Iran’s crisis and shock sequence has recently reached the collapse of Iran’s security policy over the past year, following the war here in Israel. Since Trump’s entry into the White House, the voices have been growing in Israel, along with reports on the issue of American media, on the possibility of attacking the nuclear facilities – although Trump himself officially denied these reports.

Iran has recently been underway that they are very high on the possibility of an attack on the nuclear facilities, although Hezbollah terrorist organization, which for many years is considered to be the Iranian defense wall, has absorbed a severe blow from Israel and it is unclear how capable it is able to get an attack in the case of an Israeli attack in Iran. Yesterday, Russian senior missile experts have visited Iran at least twice in the past year, including in the field of air defense and sensitive facilities for blanket development development.

Yesterday, Putin also agreed to Trump’s request to mediate the negotiations with Iran to promote a new nuclear agreement. “Russia is ready to coordinate a solution of peace to the Iranian nuclear problem,” the Kremlin said yesterday. Iranian researcher Dr. Raz wicked from the Institute of National Security Studies and the Alliance Center for Iranian Studies at Tel Aviv University this morning that a rare agreement is reflected between the radical and fragmented camps in Iran regarding the lack of faith in the chances of conversations with the US. Since the confrontation between Trump and Salzansky in the White House on Friday, the discourse in Iran has increased that it is a “proof” that in any case, the US cannot be trusted and reached with agreements. Either way, this week Peschanchian made it clear that the leader Khamanna was decided not to move forward with the US.

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