Age of quantum computer development

After a few predictions, quantum computers are accelerating rapidly with many practical applications and scientific breakthroughs that can take place over the next few years instead of decades.


Microsoft Majorana 1 quantum chip. Image: Reuters

The technology giants, startups, banks and pharmaceutical companies in the US are pouring money to invest in quantum computer technology, according to AFP. While the classic computer is based on bites only two states 0 or 1, quantum computer uses quablit with infinite feasible states. In theory, each additional quobit helps to double the calculation power, allowing the quantum computer to analyze countless capabilities at the same time, only a few minutes to solve the problem that classical computers can take millions of years. Microsoft company recently introduced quantum technology based on a completely new physical state, not solid, liquid, gas.

Due to the ability to calculate exponentially, John Levy, CEO of Developer Developer Chip SeeQC, firmly believes the potential of quantum computers far beyond human imagination, especially when combined with AI. Some experts even consider quantum computers as the only route that leads to super smart AI with super cognitive ability. Quantum technology will significantly promote new molecules, expand the periodic table at the school. This will bring many new materials, medical breakthroughs, complex financial models and super effective batteries. The philosopher and investor Anders Indset predicted the race of performance will transform everything from agriculture to traffic.

Currently, quantum computers have operated. IBM said its quantum services generate a billion dollar revenue even though the current application is mainly limited in research. Initially, the market will expand through the server equipped with chips and specialized systems. “We are shifting from quantum hypotheses to quantum economics. This explains why leading companies like Amazon, Microsoft, and Google are getting involved.

Big companies are participating in the leading race for anyone, also investing heavily to solve the biggest problem of quantum computers is calculating errors. Qbit requires temperatures below 0 degrees Celsius and is extremely sensitive to environmental “vibration, heat, electromagnetic impact, causing calculation errors. Google’s new Willow quantum chip and Amazon’s Ocelot semiconductor protot aim to significantly reduce these errors and costs.

The United States and China are competing in quantum development, especially the US government applying limited technology exports. Quantum computers also raise concerns about cybersecurity. Because the quibit can check countless simultaneous combinations, they can break the usual encryption method. US government agencies and technology companies like Apple are developing anti -quantum encoding methods to prepare for this situation.

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