The impact of the living environment on comprehensive health

Studies show that the quality of the habitat has an intimate impact on human comprehensive development indicators such as helping to reduce stress and improve comprehensive health.

Air pollution is an urgent environmental issue, affecting human health. Research by the University of Birmingham and Manchester published in the journal Nature Communications recently showed polluted environment affecting the brain, cardiovascular and respiratory system.

In contrast, daily contact with high -green, fresh space brings many important benefits to the brain, including IQ (intelligent index), EQ (emotional index), CQ (creative index), SQ (social), PQ (physical index) and AQ (energy index).

Barcelona’s environmental epidemiological research center has monitored 2,500 children in the city for more than a year and discovered that students with schools have more green spaces inside and surrounded by better learning memory and less distracting. The researchers found that the level of trees around the school, measured by satellite images, related to improving mental competencies to continuously process and update students’ information.

The research results made Mark Nieuwenhuijsen, one of the leading scientists, recommended that schools should “green” their environment. “If you plant a few trees there, I’m sure you will see a certain positive effect in general. Your school score will increase a bit,” he said.

A study from Belgium published in the online journal Plos Medicine also recently suggested that children grew up in greener areas with higher IQ, as well as lower levels of behavior. Analyzing more than 600 Belgian students aged 10 to 15 shows that the increase of 3% of the green area of ​​their neighborhood has increased the IQ (intelligent index) on average.

Tim Nawrot, an environmental professor at Hasselt University in Belgium, who participated in the study, said: “There is more and more evidence that the green habitat is related to our cognitive function, such as memorization skills and focus.”

In addition to the benefits of young children, nature also has many effects for mental and physical health for the youth or adult group, such as reducing disease, stimulating senses and enhancing happiness hormones, according to UNICEF.

Studies show that a space with many plants, biodiversity helps improve the freshness of the air, absorb fine dust to help improve the respiratory or cardiovascular system. The ecological environment of plants also creates incredible deep impacts on many aspects of thinking, emotions and comprehensive health.

The ecological natural environment creates movement space, helping people significantly improve PQ – physical health. The open spaces of nature contribute to making it easier for people to be connected to each other, easily finding a bridge to increase social interactions, thereby increasing SQ social index. Not only children, adults or the elderly can easily find community and social connections through activities in open space, but the catalyst is nature.


Air pollution in Bangkok, Thai capital, January 20. Image: AFP

The CQ creative index also improves strongly when people are immersed in nature, thanks to the direct impact of nature in the mechanism of the mechanism of sympathetic nervous system, bringing the brain back to the “reteat” state to increase focus, observe discovery, deep thinking and new initiatives. That is also the reason why the working environment of technology companies or work requires creativity often designs maximum green and ecological nature to promote the creativity of the working people.

Nature, which contains lessons available for energy. In the open space of nature, people are also easily trained to be persistent, learning how to pursue the same goal or promote positive thoughts to deal with adversity and overcome difficulties (AQ index). A jogging exercise at first glance seems to only increase the physical index, but it is perseverance to perform the exercises every day, people are naturally developed AQ. The natural environment is the perfect environment to promote activities to increase durability, increase patience and directly impact on AQ each person.

Nature contains a lot of treatment, recovery, natural regeneration, such as the Japanese “bathing” therapy, helping to reduce blood pressure and improve mental health by breathing natural compounds from trees. Activities such as walking, jogging or gardening, reading, meditation in the green space are more effective to improve health when compared to similar activities in the urban area. If there is no conditions to live close to nature, the opening of the window to welcome birds, the wind blowing, or using natural sound through the application also has a certain positive impact on health.

By Editor

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