The body releases hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol when prolonged stress reduces the immune system, reduces sleep quality, anxiety disorders.
Stress is the reaction of the body when faced with pressure, fatigue, grief or shock in life. At this time, the body releases hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. When chronic stress, cortisol levels in the body can be maintained at a high level, which can easily lead to oxidative stress and inflammation, increasing the risk of many diseases such as digestive disorders, sleep disorders, headaches, immune system impairment …
Weakening immune system: The immune system protects the body from diseases and infections by fighting harmful agents such as bacteria and viruses. However, this process may be interrupted due to prolonged stress affecting the ability to control inflammation of the body, increasing the risk of diseases such as colds, autoimmune disorders.
Affect cardiovascular health: Chronic stress has a negative impact on the heart function, increasing the risk of high blood pressure and tachycardia. People who are often stressed due to work or relationships, social isolation, and injury are at high risk of developing heart disease.
Reduce sleep quality: People with stress often have trouble sleeping, insomnia, sleep quality less than healthy people. The cortisol hormone is produced by stress that increases alertness, making it difficult for the body to sleep, not deep, thereby causing insomnia.
Stimulating the digestive system: Stomach pain and stress often go together by the digestive system and nervous system with close relationships with each other. Some hormones and chemicals produced by the body when stress hinder the activity of the digestive system, increasing the risk of abdominal pain, stomach ulcers, acid reflux and nausea. Chronic stress can worsen back pain, muscle tension and migraine headache.
Anxiety disorders, depression: Stress makes the symptoms of anxiety worse. This is partly because the hormone is released when stressed to disrupt the activity of nerve transmission in the brain such as Noradrenaline, Serotonin, causing the brain to lack oxygen. The lack of oxygen brain makes the body constantly tired, tired, memory impairment, long -lasting leading to anxiety disorders, depression.
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