The EU thinks too much of stability, growth and safety are needed. Talò speaks

“The EU is almost obsessed with the myth of stability, more concentrated on it than on growth, and for this reason it remains paralyzed in a world that runs.” The ambassador Francesco Talò, long -term diplomat and already permanent representative of Italy to NATO, on the extraordinary meeting of the European Council, in which the twenty -seven have agreed to enhance the European defense industrial base, tells the Adnkronos.

Leaving aside its “peculiar characteristics”, the Trump administration today acts as a catalyst: “It does not determine a trend, but accelerates the one already underway”, explains Talò in reference to recent US turns in foreign policy. In this context, the EU had to adapt to the speed of the American partner, which “has always been a more dynamic actor”, a trend accentuated by the Trump phenomenon. However, the static nature that distinguishes the EU makes it unsuitable for responding to this acceleration.

“Just look at the stability pact: he has looked at himself much more to stability than to growth, to stasis rather than dynamism”, comments the ambassador, today of the house at the International Strategic Network, recognizing that the results of the Council have marked a change of pace. “Yesterday some taboos broke and went on growth, especially in the defense sector”, with the presentation of the Rearmeu plan of the President of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen.

“Very good to have proposed to slice the costs for the defense of the deficit: it is absurd that NATO ask us to spend more and that the EU prevents us from doing it”, continues Talò. As for the proposal to trigger an 800 billion economic flywheel, “the most relevant part is represented by 150 billion” of common debt. A decision that, if carried out adequately, “potentially has an analogous importance to two recent historical moments of the EU: Mario Draghi’s ‘Whatever itver’ (limited to the monetary aspects) and the Next Generation EU plan for the post-Pandemic recovery. It is time to do something similar”, he comments.

“In this context it is important to take into account our public opinions, which are not the same”, warns Talò. “Giorgia Meloni summarized it well: we have internal diversity. Eastern countries, for historical reasons, are much more ready to invest in defense. Just look at Poland, which exceeds 4.5% of military spending compared to GDP in western Europe, however, the public considers the war far from its perception of reality. But unfortunately we must understand, in a hurry, that the long period of peace guaranteed by the NATO/USA. Defend us, and to do so it serves to develop a culture of security “, because it is that which allows a parliamentary democracy to build one’s defense in compliance with the forms indicated by the sovereign people.

“It being understood that to protect hospitals you need an aerial defense, as Ukrainians have unfortunately learned in the face of Russian aggression,” continues Talò, explaining that it is important to work on the perception of citizens so that they develop a “deep” understanding of safety needs.

The polls mark a movement in this direction, recognizes, “but the right messages are needed: probably the wording ‘rearmeu’ is not the appropriate choice. hybrid. “In addition to the armaments, it is necessary to have all the necessary structures and tools”, thanks to investments “which have a large dual character and innovative characteristics”, with important positive effects for industry. Talò cites cybersiculia, quantum technologies, space and underwater sphere, an area in which Italy is very present.

The West “remains the context of reference for our actions and interests. As Italians, alone, we cannot do much; united Europe can still do little, and it is unrealistic to think that it can be a third actor in the great dispute between the USA and China”. In this, NATO is the “natural container” for western powers: USA, EU and other European actors such as Turkey and the United Kingdom. It is also necessary to consider the other actors on the chessboard: Kiev “even before the invasion, in the NATO field it was said: no decisions on Ukraine without Ukrainian”, Moscow, and “The Pietra, Beijing Constant”, with the awareness that the moves of the West will be observed carefully from the rest of the world. It is therefore necessary to avoid errors such as US withdrawal from Afghanistan, a political decision that, beyond the dynamics, “contributed to the perception of Vladimir Putin compared to an alleged weakness of the West”. Errors of this type on the Ukrainian front “could be interpreted even more riskyly,” warns the ambassador.

As regards the rupture of the EU ranks by Hungary, who refused to sign the conclusions on the support for Ukraine to the informal Council, Talò stresses that it was not a decision -making moment: “There will be other occasions”, and in the meantime “yes

It can go on “without” banding your head “. In all this, Rome can play a role, as already happened in the past in mediating with Budapest:” I am confident that solutions can be found “. However, the theme of the Decision System of the EU Council, linked unanimously,” will be addressed “in the future.

The great fear of the EU is that, despite the ride to rearmament, the US does not recognize the effort and maintain an opposing approach. “The motto Paolino ‘Spes Contra Spem’ is worth: it may seem difficult, but we must hope that it works. To do it, however, we must act in the right direction. I want to believe that the Trump administration tends to ‘push’ on the themes and then realize what the convenience is for everyone. We also see it with the story of the duties”. For the EU, the priority is to make Washington understand that the US also need Europe in the great challenge between the West and China, “which should be a competition, certainly not a war”, underlines the ambassador.

“We have values, interests and also a common way of operating. It can be seen in the field of defense and security. Generations of military have learned to work together in the born sphere, to be interoperable. The culture of work we have created is precious and very functional. The European defense dimension will be able to grow to the extent that almost all of the protagonists have been trained in a born context. The Americans are necessary and essential for Europe, contrary “, he concludes. (by Otto Lanzavecchia)

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