Mattarella: "It is not yet time to send our soldiers to Ukraine"

“We are not yet at this point, the peace negotiations have not even started and talk about what will happen as solutions is totally out of the moment“. Thus the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella He answered the question if Italy intends to send a quota for maintaining the Peace in Ukraine After a fire is concluded.

The head of the state has issued an interview with Japanese public TV NHK transmitted in the top morning program of the network dedicated to international news.

Mattarella, looking for peace without mortifications

The peace initiatives are “highly appropriate” and must be sought convinced “to prevent the principle unacceptable from the International Community of influence spheres from reaffirming,” said Mattarella to Japanese public TV NHK after reiterating that Russia to Ukraine was “an aggression in violation of the rules of the international Charter of the UN card and of any coexistence rule between the countries of the international community” as well as ” Not even 30 years ago between Russia and Ukraine in the face of delivery to the part of Ukraine to Russia of about 5000 nuclear newspapers that had been Soviet that were in Ukraine “. A treaty, he remembered, with whom Moscow took on the task of guaranteeing the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

“The violation of these rules is inadmissible – Mattarella has warned – otherwise the principle is affirmed that a stronger state can impose his will with weapons to the nearby and less large states and this would start barbarism in international relations”. “For this reason, he added, in Europe there is a strong defense and support for Ukraine: if the system passed that a stronger state can impose on another state their will with weapons, other attacks would follow and a succession of aggressions would inevitably lead to a war of unimaginable proportions”.

“For this reason we believe that it is essential to put an end to this conflict”, highlighted Mattarella explaining that “now there are initiatives for peace and we hope they go through because they are highly appropriate as long as, of course, we arrive at a solution that does not mortify either parts but that guarantees peace in accordance with international law to prevent the principle from the international community of the stronger in a continent, in a region, have the right to impose themselves on the least strong states “.

Mattarella, peace is not a tribute to the arms arms

“For three years Europe has been trying to induce Russia to be available to negotiate peace by not finding availability so far and all in Europe we hope that Russia is finally available to treat the conditions that lead to a just peace, that it is not a tribute to the arms arms because otherwise a very dangerous season would be opened for the international community,” said the President of the Republic. Responding to the question of the reporter on the attempts of the US and Russia to stop the conflict, the head of the state insisted on the concept that must be received “a right and lasting peace that is not fragile or transitory but that it is a solution based on the rules of the UN card, on international law and that is accepted by the two parties”.

Mattarella, natural to strengthen the European defense

The idea of ​​the EU that “it is necessary to strengthen European defense is a fairly natural development of European integration that has developed in these decades”, reiterated the head of state. Responding to the reporting of the reporter on the work in progress in Brussels to try to build an EU defense, Mattarella explained how “a concern is felt in Europe, above all, by the European countries of the Center – North and on the border with Russia, for which it is necessary to strengthen European defense”. The head of the state also evoked on several occasions that “a peace solution for Ukraine must evidently accompany herself to guarantees of safety because it is much less armed and powerful than Russia”.


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