“Honest, generous, attentive to the needs of needy people, lover of art, lyrical music and sailing boat”. And again: practicing Catholic until the last with “an intimate communion with the Lord”, person “passionate about his job” and “reserved”. Is the face of Pasquale Laurito an important piece of history of parliamentary journalism, which now becomes a memory and example not to be forgotten.
At the funeral of Laurito, in the church of Santa Emereziana in Rome, it is the face of the good man to do the protagonist part, almost overcoming the role of journalist throughout his life, reporter since the constituent And then dean of the parliamentary press. Eyes and ears always attentive to politics and its characters, to tell the activities of the parties and their leaders with intelligent and truthful synthesis. Perhaps, the grandchildren say, they did not “would have wanted”, shy as he was, and with his “angular” character, the colleagues who love him underline, to feel publicly “thank you”, but those who knew him know how much he knew how to become attached to people and how much he knew how to surround them from his presence.
Many journalists present for the last farewell. And not only those of the old guard. But also the colleagues who have always seen in him An icon of the trade and read his carefully Red tissue. And then, Montecitorio officials, parliamentary assistants. Of politicians, the former President of the Chamber, Gianfranco Fini and for the Democratic Party Gianni Cuperlo.
A long applause welcomed the affectionate words of the grandchildren, his “treasures” that recalled him as “a gift”. Handshake among the colleagues at the end of the ceremony, each with a different anecdote, on Pasquale, who returns to rest at Lungro, in his Calabria. Shortly the ceremony politics and secular a Montecitorioil 18 Marzowhere the honor of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella will be officially delivered to him, in that Montecitorio palace that until a few weeks ago saw him ‘dictate’ his tissue on the scene and background of Italian politics.