Hilton and Delmas at end shows Breton

On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, the Rosam Association presents the finissage of the exhibition “Seven Skies for Venice” by Anna Peter Breton. The event set on March 8 at 5 pm at the Gallery warehouse of Palazzo Contarini Polignac in Venice, includes a meeting between art and literature with international authors Lisa Hilton and Bénédicte Delmas, moderated by art critic Roberta Semeraro.

Lisa Hilton will present Elizabeth: Renaissance Prince, an innovative portrait of Elisabetta I, while Bénédicte Delmas will introduce Jeanne, the Rebelle de Dieu, the story of a woman who struggles for her independence in France’s France.

The two books, explain the organizers, although belonging to different contexts and genres, explore related issues, history, power, independence and spirituality, creating an ideal bridge with the suggestions evoked by the paintings of Anna Peter Breton and offering a reflection on the female figure and its impact in culture and time. This event is part of the official schedule of March Donna, sponsored by the Municipality of Venice, and wants to celebrate female talent in all its forms

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