How could a breeding dog be stolen in the middle of a competition? Jean-Claude Baptista, a canine breeder established in Unverre (Eure-et-Loir), awaits responses from the police investigation. Texan, his two and a half year old dog and weighing around thirty kilos, was extracted from boxes on February 25, 2025, while his master presented his three other German shepherds to a competition at the Paris Agricultural Show. The animal was then found this Sunday, March 2 on a soccer field in the Paris region. The kidnappers obviously acted knowingly: Texan’s value is estimated at more than 25,000 euros.
This is why the failures of the safety system irritate the breeder. “According to video-surveillance images, the person who stole my dog, left in the middle of the day by the main entrance without being checked. It is not normal, ”fulminates the professional breeder, champion of France in 2024 and third at the world championships in Germany the same year.
Padlocked cage
Its disbelief is all the greater in principle, breeders and dogs registered in the competition could not leave the Porte de Versailles exhibition park before the start of the evening. “In competition, we are asked a lot of things. We are searched and subject to a whole bunch of identity checks, veterinarians, etc. Not at the exit. It would be necessary to remedy it, “he claimed this Monday afternoon, just before presenting her dog at the veterinarian to make sure that she had not undergone any trauma.
Surveillance of boxes would not always be optimum. From now on, Jean-Claude Baptista will add a padlock-in addition to the lock-during the next competitions in which he will take part. It will probably not be at the Agricultural Show, an event he discovered this year. The breeder says he will never come back to it again.
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