Jean-Michel Aphatie withdrawn from the RTL antenna after his words on Algeria and Oradour-sur-Glane

The columnist Jean-Michel Aphatie was withdrawn from the RTL branch by the management of the radio, the presenters Thomas Sotto and Amandine Bégot announced on Wednesday. The editorialist had provoked a controversy on February 25, saying live that France had made “hundreds of Oradour-sur-Glane (a martyred village whose population was massacred by the Nazis under the occupation)” during the colonization of Algeria.

The sentence had thrown a cold on the set and Aphatie had been tightly taken up by Florence Portelli, vice-president of the Republicans of the Île-de-France region, with whom he debated. “It is an insult to the French people what you have just done!” She had launched. The columnist had also attracted the wrath of part of the right, including Éric Ciotti and Jordan Bardella. “You have to immerse yourself in books to understand the misfortune that sometimes spread the French people. To refuse to do so is to refrain from knowing the history of your own country, ”he replied on X (Formerly Twitter). Arch (Audiovisual and Digital Communication Regulatory Authority) had been seized.

A return next Wednesday?

This Wednesday on Wednesday on Wednesday, Thomas Sotto announced the background of the political columnist with a singing accent. “Usually on Wednesday, Jean-Michel Aphatie is with us to debate. This morning Jean-Michel is not there, “he noted before continuing:” Indeed last Tuesday during a debate on Algeria, Jean-Michel carried out a parallel between certain acts committed during the colonization of Algeria and Nazi crimes. A comparison that the management of RTL considers inappropriate. »»


His sister Amandine Bégot then spoke: “Jean -Michel Aphatie who does not wish to apologize, nor come back to his words – which is his right – the management of RTL asked him this morning to be behind the antenna. »»

Jean-Michel Apathie reacted to our colleagues at an image arrest, judging that the radio had managed this crisis “with great understanding and intelligence” and announcing his return “normally” next Wednesday.


Well-known figure in the French audiovisual landscape, Jean-Michel Aphatie also holds a political chronicle each evening in the daily program.

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