Hamas’s leadership met with killer terrorists in Egypt

On the evening of March 7, on the first Friday of Ramadan, a “solemn dinner” was held in Egypt with the participation of the leadership of the Hamas terrorist organization and killer terrorists, freed from Israeli prisons as part of several stages of “exchanging prisoners” with Israel.

The event was attended by about 100 people.

Hamas’s leadership was represented by members of the Politburo of this organization Khalil al-Haya (the current leader of Hamas in Gaza), Khalid Mashal (head of the foreign bureau Hamas) and Zahir Dzhabarin (head of movement on the western coast, the head of the Shahids Department, prisoners and wounded in Hamas). All of them have been living abroad in recent years and have been applicants for the post of head of the Politburo Hamas, who remained vacant since July 31, 2024, when Ismail Hania was liquidated in Tehran. It is expected that the elections will be held this month – in March 2025.

As part of the agreement on the release of hostages, the authorities of Israel released hundreds of terrorists from prisons, including many killer terrorists who were sentenced to life sentences. As a rule, liberated killer terrorists were sent to Egypt, from where they later plan to deport them to other countries.

By Editor

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