Florida atrocity: Spouses murdered 16 and looked at her body
According to the authorities, the girl turned to the couple’s home after she knew the man on the network • The researchers said they hit her and abused her for days.

Spouses of Florida kidnapped and murdered a 16 -year -old girl, and then located her body. According to the authorities, the man knew the girl on a social network and the couple murdered her at their home in St. Petersburg.

The investigation began on February 24, when the police, Miranda Corsest, were reported. That day, a witness appealed to the police and reported that the girl may have been murdered.


The investigation revealed that the man, 35-year-old Stephen Gers, picked up Corset to meet with him on February 14. After meeting, the girl returned to her home. For a boycott, she returned to his home and stayed there with him and his partner.


When he reported the murder, Gers was already in custody after attacking his partner. He is charged with the girl’s kidnapping and murder. The spouse, 37-year-old Michelle Brandes, has closed herself to the police over the weekend. She was charged with assisted murder.

The researchers said the couple hit the girl and abused her for days, until they were murdered. After the murder, Gerse put her body in the vehicle and traveled to Eargano. The body was burned and inserted into an open trash can in Hillsburgh.

Police estimate that the girl was murdered between February 20 and 24. The police have not yet found Corst’s body, but announced that they found the area in which it was thrown and continued to searches.

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