The Government requires promoting the inspection of banks with “backyard”, especially real estate businesses.

This direction was mentioned in the Government’s regular meeting in February 2025. In particular, the banking industry is required to further promote the inspection and examination, especially those with “backyard”.

At the same time, the State Bank is assigned to monitor and closely supervise the activities of credit institutions, the announcement of deposit interest rates and loans. In particular, the Government strictly prohibits and handles according to the law of commercial banks to compete in unhealthy interest rates.

The State Bank is also assigned and coordinated with agencies and localities to have solutions to reduce lending interest rates under the direction of the Prime Minister, actively reducing operating interest rates with tools under their jurisdiction.

In addition, the Government also directed the study to supplement credit growth targets to banks according to its competence, review and reduce, simplify credit loan procedures, accelerate credit capital for areas that create motivation for growth. At the same time, the bank continues to study and deploy preferential credit packages for people under 35 years old, people in difficult housing.


Transactions at commercial banks. Image: Giang Huy

In the Resolution, the Government also requested the Ministry of Finance to urgently submit to the Government before 10/3 Decree extending the value -added taxpayer, corporate income tax, personal income tax and land rent in 2025 and the Decree to extend the duration of special consumption tax payment for cars manufactured and assembled domestically.

At the same time, this agency is proposed to reduce value added tax, expand tax reduction subjects applied in the last 6 months of the year, report to the competent authority before March 15.

The Ministry of Finance is also required to strengthen the management of state budget revenue, especially from e -commerce activities, catering services, digitizing in the second quarter of 2025. The tax industry needs to be completed in the second quarter of the collection of electronic taxes made from cash registers with catering and retail services.

The Resolution also stated that the Government requested ministries, agencies and localities according to the functions, tasks and powers assigned to make a detailed disbursement plan of each project and comply with the disbursement plan. These units need to strictly handle organizations and individuals deliberately delayed the progress of allocation and disbursement of public investment capital, have negative behaviors, corruption, timely replacement of cadres, civil servants and officials weak in capacity, stagnation, causing harassment, trouble …

In addition, the Government requires research and proposal of controlled legal framework with new technology industries. The ministries, agencies and localities also need to accelerate the application of digital technology, artificial intelligence (AI), large data (Big Data) in the management and supervision; Sharing data on population, education, banking, taxes, insurance, businesses, land and means.

By Editor

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