The waste residue of medicines could be reduced by an invention developed in Finland

From the reader. Kauppalehti analyzes the EU Municipal Waste Water Directive ”Finland is threatened by an extremely serious drug crisis“In the story (KL 15.2.).

Orionin managing director Liisa Hurme He is afraid that generic drugs such as antihypertensive and cholesterol drugs will disappear from the drug market, as legal pricing for parallel drugs does not withstand additional costs of removing micro-transparency. Experts emphasize that the drug residues of wastewater are due to the normal use of medicines.

Most of the large pharmaceutical companies operate in the United States. The Nordic top company is Novo Nordisk. Leading drug developers AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb, AbbVie, Roche, Novartis and Merck invest 20-25 % of their turnover in R&D.

China is a leading manufacturer for active ingredients for parallel medicines, of which the EU is chronically dependent. The EU Directive targets product liability in EU countries, such as companies operating in Finland, although medication is mainly outside the EU.

AGS technology already received the EU ID

Are there ways to influence the waste residue of medicines? Giovanni Politi Has created a globally unique method of AGS (Aerodynamic Granulation System), which can be granulated by almost all drugs and other flour substances. Giovanni worked for Orion and continued to develop the AGS method as an entrepreneur at the HY Pharmacy Department’s incubator. As a result of many years and thousands of expensive experiments, he developed an AGS method.

AGS technology has been patented and has a recognition of the EU’s “Seal of Excellence”. AGS is used in Germany, Italy and Poland, for example, and can be a solution to reduce residue without major investments. The AGS grinds the drugs to the size of the nanoscale, which enhances the absorption of the drugs and reduce drug residues.

So AGS can make known drugs again patentable.

With AGS, the treatment of substances is controlled by gas, whereby the gas forms the desired polar or dipolar bonds. The gas stream does not change the drug’s dissolution profile and does not have any other disadvantages.

Also an old patent is possible to renew

With the AGS method, almost all solid products can be renewed and obtained more patent protection. An important application is generic drugs with an outdated patent and can be renewed by AGS to new, important therapeutic uses.

So AGS can make known drugs again patentable. The AGS enables an accurate study of natural and chemistry products.

The AGS developed by the politics is ingenious. How the airflow can form the desired granulas almost 100 % correctly amazed many who have thought of test series.

Artificial intelligence is a great opportunity to further develop the method. Finland has received EU funding for the emergency storage of drugs and methods in the event of crises. AGS can also be a useful method from a security of supply.

Arto Lahti

Professor, Aalto University

By Editor

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