Coconut water, watermelon, cucumber, green leafy vegetables, citrus added water and electrolytes, helping the body cool down when the sun is hot.
Dr. Dao Thi Yen Thuy, Head of Dean of Nutrition – Constitution, Tam Anh General Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City, said the body could lose 100 ml to a liter of water per hour through sweat when hot, affecting energy and mood. Here are some food supplements and electrolytes, supporting the body to balance.
Water: Water accounts for most volume in the body. Adult women need a total amount of water (in food and drinking water) every day of 2.8 liters, men are 3.4 liters.
Coconut water: 94% of water and important minerals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium in coconut water help provide electrolytes.
Watermelon: Fruit has up to 92% of water, rich in vitamin C, lycopene, vitamin A supports water and nutrients for the body.
Cucumber: The water content of cucumber is higher than watermelon, up to 95%. The meat is rich in vitamin C and A, and the skin provides potassium and micronutrients such as silica, molypden.
Melon: Vitamin B, magnesium, potassium and fiber are found in melon to help the body balance the lost water. As a result, the body maintains more effective work, play, sports activities.
Citrus: Oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits contain more than 87% of water, rich in vitamin C, potassium, folate and antioxidants. You can squeeze water, add slices into drinking water, mix salad with garlic, olive oil or frozen puree into fresh desserts.
Green leafy: Lettuce, spinach, cabbage, kale and arugula … contain many antioxidants, fiber, vitamin C, folate and calcium. Green leafy vegetables contain more than 91%water, supporting the body’s protection due to heat, reducing pigmentation.
Onion: This type of food has a cooling effect, rich in quercetin with anti -allergic properties, protecting the body from the heat stroke. Eat raw onions with a little lemon, salt or add salad, sandwich to help increase flavor.
Mint tea: In addition to being good for digestion and anti -nausea, peppermint is also used as a refreshing and cool drink. People add a little fresh mint to the drinking water bottle to enjoy on hot summer days.
According to Dr. Thuy, scientific eating habits help ensure good health and spirit, prevent heat stroke and dehydration in the summer. Using additional foods to cool the body, keep beautiful skin in hot weather is also helpful. Natural essences such as Collagen, Sakura, L-Glutathione, Pomegranate, P. Leucotomos … support anti-inflammatory, reduce irritation, detoxify skin. Natural essence GDL-5 (South American sugarcane extract) has the ability to regulate HMG-CAA Reductase enzyme activity and increase cell activation, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, heat pressure due to heat.
Readers ask questions about nutrition here for the doctor |
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