Seller, consultant and teacher are most popular additional professions

Seller, consultant and teacher are the most popular side professions in Belgium. And women are more than average active in a secondary occupation. This is the conclusion of a study by the Xerius business counter.

Our country has more than 300,000 self -employed people in secondary occupation. Every year around 50,000 Belgians start in secondary occupation. In the top 10 of the additional professions in 2024 at Xerius are: seller, consultant, teacher, gardener/garden maintenance, software developer or IT-er, nurse, psychotherapist, café operator, editor/journalist and beautician.

Xerius’ research also shows that, compared to male self -employed people, female self -employed people are more often working in secondary occupation. Figures from Xerius also show that also in 2024 the start in secondary occupation was on the rise. In women, the business counter even sees an increase of 8 percent.

Women in secondary occupation are active as a consultant, saleswoman and instructor or teacher. Care professions are also in the top 10 of additional professions, such as nurse, psychotherapist and physiotherapist. In men, Xerius mainly sees IT experts or software developers, garden users, café operators and taxi drivers.

On average 36 years

The average age to start is 36 years, but according to Xerius there are starters of every age. For the self -employed in the main occupation or secondary occupation, the ratio between the age groups is more or less distributed.

“Starting a secondary occupation is a certain and stable way to start an independent activity”; Says Youssef Deconinck of Xerius. “Starting immediately in the main occupation can look like a big leap.”

By Editor

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