In this summer season many people usually carry their Technological equipment To the beach, even your laptops, either to advance some work or to study at some time free. However, this practice must be accompanied by the care of the device.
Taking a laptop to the beach can expose it to extreme conditions that affect its operation and durability. Humidity, salinity, heat and sand are factors that can damage its internal components and deteriorate their housing.
In other words, its use in this environment is not recommended. However, at this time it is almost impossible to be far from mnuestros teams, so it is essential to perform adequate cleaning. Asus He recommends four cleaning steps after a day on the beach.
First, before starting to manipulate the equipment we must ensure that the equipment is off and disconnected from any power supply. This will avoid possible short circuits and protect the internal components.
The following is to eliminate sand and dust. Gently shake the laptop with the closed screen to remove superficial sand grains. Use compressed air or a soft brown brush to clean the ventilation slots, keyboard and ports without scratching the surface. Avoid the use of vacuum cleaners or hair dryers, as they can push the sand more inside the device.
The following is to clean the housing and keyboard. In this case you can use a microfiber cloth moistened with a mixture of distilled water and isopropyl alcohol to remove saline waste from the housing. For the keyboard, slightly inclines the laptop and uses compressed air again or a dry swab to remove any trapped particle.
Nor must we forget the screen. In this case, dust with a dry microfiber cloth must be removed. If there are spots, moisten the cloth with a small amount of the cleaning solution and pass it with soft movements. Never apply liquids directly on the screen.
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